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. 2010 May;28(5):503-10.
doi: 10.1038/nbt.1633. Epub 2010 May 2.

Ab initio reconstruction of cell type-specific transcriptomes in mouse reveals the conserved multi-exonic structure of lincRNAs


Ab initio reconstruction of cell type-specific transcriptomes in mouse reveals the conserved multi-exonic structure of lincRNAs

Mitchell Guttman et al. Nat Biotechnol. 2010 May.

Erratum in

  • Nat Biotechnol. 2010 Jul;28(7):756


Massively parallel cDNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) provides an unbiased way to study a transcriptome, including both coding and noncoding genes. Until now, most RNA-Seq studies have depended crucially on existing annotations and thus focused on expression levels and variation in known transcripts. Here, we present Scripture, a method to reconstruct the transcriptome of a mammalian cell using only RNA-Seq reads and the genome sequence. We applied it to mouse embryonic stem cells, neuronal precursor cells and lung fibroblasts to accurately reconstruct the full-length gene structures for most known expressed genes. We identified substantial variation in protein coding genes, including thousands of novel 5' start sites, 3' ends and internal coding exons. We then determined the gene structures of more than a thousand large intergenic noncoding RNA (lincRNA) and antisense loci. Our results open the way to direct experimental manipulation of thousands of noncoding RNAs and demonstrate the power of ab initio reconstruction to render a comprehensive picture of mammalian transcriptomes.

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Figure 1
Figure 1. Scripture: a method for ab initio transcriptome reconstruction from RNA-Seq data
(a) Spliced and unspliced reads. Shown is a typical expressed 4-exon gene (1500032D16Rik, top, exons: grey boxes) with coverage from different type of reads. Unspliced reads (black bars) fall within a single exon, whereas splice reads (dumbbells) span exon-exon junctions (thin horizontal lines connect the alignment of a read to the exons it spans). The coverage track (bottom) shows the aggregate coverage of both spliced and unspliced reads. (b–g) A schematic description of Scripture. (b) A cartoon example. Reads (black bars) originate from sequencing a contiguous RNA molecule. Shown are transcripts from two different genes (blue and red boxes), one with seven exons (blue boxes) and one with three exons (red boxes), which are adjacent in the genome (black line). The grayscale vertical shading in subsequent panels is shown for visual tracking. (c) Spliced reads. Scripture is initiated with a genome sequence and spliced aligned reads (dumbbells) with gaps in their alignment (thin horizontal lines). Scripture uses splice site information to orient splice reads (arrow heads). (d) Connectivity graph construction. Scripture builds a connectivity graph by drawing an edge (curved arrow) between any two bases that are connected by a spliced read gap. (Edges are color coded to relate to the original RNA and eventual transcript). (e) Path scoring. Scripture scans the graph with fixed-sized windows and uses coverage from all reads (spliced and non-spliced, bottom track) to score each path for significance (p-values shown as edge labels). (f) Transcript graph construction. Scripture merges all significant windows and uses the connectivity graph to give significant segments a graph structure (three graphs in this example). (g) Refinement with paired-end data. Scripture uses paired-end (dashed curved lines) to join previously disconnected graphs (Gene 1, bold dashed line), find break point regions within contiguous segments (e.g. no dashed lines between Gene 1 and 2), and eliminate isoforms that result in paired-end reads mapping at a distance with low likelihood.
Figure 2
Figure 2. Scripture correctly reconstructs full length transcripts for the majority of annotated protein coding genes
(a) A typical Scripture reconstruction on mouse chr9. Top (red) – RNA-Seq read coverage (from both non-spliced and spliced reads); middle (black) – three transcripts reconstructed by Scripture, including exons (black boxes) and orientation (arrow heads); bottom (blue) –RefSeq annotations for this region. All three transcripts are fully reconstructed from 5′ to 3′ ends capturing all internal exons; notice that Scripture correctly reconstructed the overlapping transcripts Pus3 and Hyls1. (b) Fraction of genes fully reconstructed in different expression quantiles (5% increments) in ESC. Each bar represents a 5% quantile of read coverage for genes expressed (mean read coverage is noted in blue). The height of each bar is the fraction of genes in that quantile that were fully reconstructed. For example, ~20% of the transcripts at the bottom 5% of expression levels are fully reconstructed; ~94% of the genes at the top 95% of expression are fully reconstructed. (c) Portion of gene length reconstructed in different expression quantiles in ESC. Shown is a box plot of the portion of each transcript’s length that was covered by a Scripture reconstruction in each 5% coverage quantile. The black line in each box is at the median, the rectangle spans the 25% and 75% coverage quantiles; the whiskers depict the annotations in the quantile most and least covered by our reconstruction. For example, at the bottom 5% of expression, Scripture reconstruct a median length of 60% of the full length transcript.
Figure 3
Figure 3. Alternative 5′ ends, 3′ ends and novel coding exons in transcripts reconstructed by Scripture
Shown are representative examples (tracks, left) and summary counts (Venn diagrams, right) of five categories of variations discovered in Scripture transcripts compared to the known annotations. In each representative example, shown is the coverage by RNA-Seq reads (top track, red), the reconstructed annotation (middle track, black), and the known annotation (bottom track, blue). The novel regions in the reconstruction are marked by gray shading. In each proportional Venn diagram we show the number of transcripts in this class in each cell type (ESC – green, NPC – blue, MLF – red) and their overlap. (a) Internal alternative 5′ start; (b) External alternative 5′ start; (c) Alternative downstream 3′ end (extended termination); (d) Alternative upstream 3′ end (early termination); (e) Novel coding exons.
Figure 4
Figure 4. Non-coding transcripts reconstructed by Scripture
(a) A representative example of a lincRNA expressed in ESC. Top panel – mouse genomic locus containing the lincRNA and its neighbouring protein coding genes. Bottom panel – zoom in on the lincRNA locus showing the coverage of H3K4me3 (green track), H3K36me3 (blue track), and RNA-Seq reads (red track) overlapping the transcribed lincRNA locus, as well as its Scripture reconstructed transcript isoforms (black). (b) A representative example of a multi-exonic antisense ncRNA expressed in ESC. Top panel – mouse genomic locus containing the antisense transcript. Bottom panel – zoom in on the antisense locus showing the coverage of H3K4me3 (green track), H3K36me3 (blue track), and RNA-Seq reads (red track) overlapping the transcribed antisense locus, as well as its Scripture reconstructed gene structure (black).
Figure 5
Figure 5. Protein coding capacity, conservation levels and expression of lincRNAs and multi-exonic antisense transcripts
(a–b) Coding capacity of protein coding, lincRNAs and multi-exonic antisense transcripts. Shown is the cumulative distribution of CSF scores (a) and maximal ORF length (b) for protein coding transcripts (black), lincRNAs (blue) and multi-exonic anti-sense transcripts (green). (c) Conservation levels for exons from protein coding transcripts, lincRNAs, multi-exonic antisense transcripts and introns. Shown is the cumulative distribution of sequence conservation across 29 mammals for exons from protein-coding exons (black), introns (red), exons from previously annotated lincRNA loci (blue), exons from newly annotated lincRNA transcripts (grey), and exons from multi-exonic antisense transcripts (green). (d) Expression levels of protein coding, lincRNAs and multi-exonic antisense transcripts. Shown is the cumulative distribution of expression levels (RPKM) in ESC for protein coding transcripts (black), transcripts from previously annotated lincRNA loci (blue), transcripts from newly annotated lincRNA loci (gray), and multi-exonic antisense transcripts (green).

Comment in

  • Advancing RNA-Seq analysis.
    Haas BJ, Zody MC. Haas BJ, et al. Nat Biotechnol. 2010 May;28(5):421-3. doi: 10.1038/nbt0510-421. Nat Biotechnol. 2010. PMID: 20458303 No abstract available.

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