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PMC full text:
Breast Cancer Res Treat. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 Mar 4.
Published in final edited form as:
Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2011 Jun; 127(2): 471–478.
Published online 2010 Oct 19. doi: 10.1007/s10549-010-1173-8

Table 2

Characteristics of Asian women in California diagnosed with incident, invasive breast cancer from 2002 to 2007 with immunohistochemical data for ER, PR, and HER2 (n = 8,140)
HR+/HER2−HER2+Triple-negativeχ2 P
n = 4,961n = 2231n = 948
Age at diagnosis, years (mean)57.354.955.2
Age at diagnosis, grouped years
 0–39345 (52%)216 (32%)107 (16%)<0.0001
 40–491272 (60%)607 (29%)238 (11%)
 50+3344 (62%)1408 (26%)603 (11%)
AJCC stage at diagnosis
 I2404 (68%)809 (23%)324 (9%)<0.0001
 II1853 (58%)922 (29%)428 (13%)
 III450 (51%)310 (35%)120 (14%)
 IV137 (47%)112 (39%)41 (14%)
 Unknown117 (51%)78 (34%)35 (15%)
SES quintilea
 1st316 (54%)200 (34%)66 (11%)<0.0001
 2nd640 (56%)356 (31%)139(12%)
 3rd946 (61%)427 (27%)184(12%)
 4th1310 (61%)591 (27%)251 (12%)
 5th1749 (64%)657 (24%)308 (11%)
 I1162 (87%)142 (11%)34 (3%)<0.0001
 II2389 (72%)759 (23%)178 (5%)
 III1111 (38%)1140 (39%)662 (23%)
 Other/unknown299 (53%)190 (34%)74 (13%)
Diagnosis year
 2002615 (59%)289 (28%)143 (14%)0.01
 2003674 (59%)316 (28%)157(14%)
 2004779 (61%)338 (26%)160(13%)
 2005804 (60%)387 (29%)152 (11%)
 2006962 (62%)434 (28%)159 (10%)
 20071127 (64%)467 (26%)177 (10%)
 Ductal3533 (58%)1840 (30%)744 (12%)
 Lobular289 (85%)39 (11%)13 (4%)<0.0001
 Mixed/other1139 (68%)352 (21%)191 (11%)
 US-born1182 (66%)405 (23%)193 (11%)
 Foreign-born3779 (59%)1826 (29%)755 (12%)<0.0001
Hospital status
 Public3555 (62%) ‘1473 (26%)686 (12%)
 Private583 (57%)348 (34%)96 (9%)<0.0001
 Unknown823 (59%)410 (29%)166 (12%)

HR+/HER2− = ER+ and/or PR+, HER2−; HER2+ = ER±, PR±, and HER2+; Triple-negative = ER−, PR−, and HER2−

aNeighborhood-level socioeconomic status (see “methods”): 1st quintile represents those with the lowest SES and the 5th quintile represents those with the highest SES