Background & Summary

Abalone (Haliotis) are a genus of marine herbivorous gastropods found in tropical and temperate coastal waters on every continent except for the Pacific coast of South America and the Atlantic coast of North America1. In addition to their ecological, historical, and cultural importance2,3,4, abalone are a highly prized seafood product that underpins valuable wild-harvest and aquaculture industries in many countries5,6. There has been a significant decrease in wild populations of abalone largely due to illegal harvesting, pollution, climate change and disease5,7,8. As a result, many species of abalone are recognized to be at risk – the IUCN Red ListTM lists 44% of abalone species as being threatened with extinction9,10.

Whether in the wild or in aquaculture, abalone are also at risk due to ocean warming and extreme environmental events11,12. In the summer of 2011, between early February and early March, wild Roe’s abalone stocks suffered significant, if not total, mortality around Kalbarri, Western Australia13. Similarly, the 2016 mortality event of wild abalone near the coast of Tasmania, Australia, led to smaller catches and reduced quotas14. These events have great economic impacts on abalone fisheries, resulting in a significant decrease in production and loss of income. The increase in abalone aquaculture and the concerns for wild populations worldwide have motivated researchers to apply omics tools to provide genetic resources, improve knowledge regarding this genus, and ultimately aid production and conservation. To date, the great majority of the genetic resources available for abalone are of temperate species15,16,17,18,19,20,21. No reference genome for any tropical abalone species has been published to date.

The Donkey’s ear abalone, Haliotis asinina (Linnaeus, 1758), is the largest of the tropical abalone species. It is also the fastest-growing abalone of all abalone species22. This species is distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific and is highly desired as seafood, mainly in South-East Asia23,24. Due to its popularity, wild stocks are at risk as a result of overfishing25. Efforts are underway to revive H. asinina populations through stock enhancement and the use of marine reserves26. The lack of genetic data available for this species limits studies on genetic variation (between and within abalone species), development of genetic breeding programs, connectivity and genetic technologies that will assist fisheries, aquaculture and conservation strategies.

Here, we provide the first reference genome of the tropical abalone H. asinina. Furthermore, this is the first chromosome-scale genome assembly of any abalone species (to date). Using Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. (PacBio) 5-base HiFi sequencing, Dovetail Genomics Omni-C approach and PacBio Isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq), we assembled and annotated the 1.14 Gb length reference genome. The total genome length was assembled into 170 scaffolds, with an N50 of 67.09 Mb, L90 of 15, a BUSCO completeness score of 97.6% and a k-mer completeness of 99.5%. Over 98% of the scaffold’s length was anchored to 16 pseudo-chromosomes. The chromosome number matches the findings of the previous karyotype studies27. Furthermore, 40.0% of the genome was identified as repetitive sequences. A total of 25,422 protein-coding genes were predicted, including 61,149 transcripts. In addition, we used the same data to measure DNA methylation across the genome and to assemble the mitochondrial genome of H. asinina.

This significant resource, along with the use of omics tools (i.e., comparative genomics, transcriptomic, epigenomics and proteomics), will provide new insights regarding the evolution of abalone and genetic factors that might assist in overcoming the current and future challenges mentioned above.


The general workflow is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematic overview of the study workflow.

Biological materials

In April 2022, H. asinina individuals were obtained from Arlington Reef (−16° 42′ 26.1036″S, 146° 3′ 30.4128″E) on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, by divers from Cairns Marine Pty Ltd. Abalone were introduced into a round 100 L white plastic aquaria at the Marine and Aquaculture Research Facility (MARF) at James Cook University (Townsville, Australia). High water quality was maintained during the entire period. The temperature was set to the ambient temperatures at the collection site and was recorded continuously using the facility’s automated monitoring system. Water quality parameters, including ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite, were measured using “AquaSonic” kits. Water in the aquaria was replaced every two to three days. The abalone were fed every two days using Halo abalone feed (3 mm pellets) manufactured by Skretting.

Sampling, nucleic acid extraction, library preparation and sequencing

Sampling, nucleic acid extraction, library preparation and sequencing were all performed on the same individual (described below).

Following a fasting period of 24-hours, one abalone individual (female, body length = 10.9 cm, shell length = 7.4 cm) was randomly selected and dissected immediately for High Molecular Weight Genomic DNA (HMW gDNA) extraction. HMW gDNA was extracted from the ~30 mg of fresh muscle tissue using the Circulomics® Nanobind Tissue Big DNA Kit following protocol modification for Aplysia28. Library preparation and sequencing were performed by the Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF) according to PacBio protocols. Sequencing was performed using a single SMRT Cell and the PacBio Sequel ΙΙ (specifically, 5-base HiFi sequencing) with seq polymerase version 2.2 and seq primer v5. Movie time was 30hrs and 120pM SMRTcell loading. This resulted in 36.2 GB of data with 2.62 M (million) high-quality reads (Table 1).

Table 1 Basic statistics of the sequencing data.

The DNase Hi-C (Omni-C) library was prepared using the Dovetail Omni-C® Kit at AGRF according to the manufacturer’s protocol with modifications as follows: 60 mg of abalone muscle tissue was thoroughly cryo-ground using liquid nitrogen, and the chromatin was fixed with disuccinimidyl glutarate (DSG) and formaldehyde in the nucleus. After removing the cross-linking reagents, the disrupted tissue sample underwent sequential filtration through 200 μm and 50 μm cell strainers to eliminate large debris. The cross-linked chromatin was then digested in situ with the optimal amount of DNase I to achieve efficient chromatin digestion and, hence, generate long-range cis reads. Following digestion, the cells were lysed with sodium dodecyl-sulfate (SDS) to extract the chromatin fragments. Stage 3 of the library preparation - proximity ligation, was optimised (1) by reducing the recommended input lysate, thereby minimising any impurities, and (2) by increasing the intra-aggregate bridge ligation to an overnight reaction to enhance the ligation events. Briefly, optimally digested chromatin fragments were bound to Chromatin Capture Beads. Next, the chromatin ends were repaired and ligated to a biotinylated bridge adapter, followed by proximity ligation of adapter-containing ends. After proximity ligation, the crosslinks were reversed, the associated proteins were degraded, and the DNA was purified and then converted into a sequencing library using Illumina-compatible adaptors. Biotin-containing fragments were isolated using streptavidin beads prior to PCR amplification. The library was sequenced on an Illumina Novaseq X plus a platform to generate two million 2 × 150 base-pairs (bp) read pairs to assess the quality of mapping, valid cis-trans reads and complexity of the library. For chromosome-level assembly, the Omni -C library was sequenced to achieve approximately 100 M 2 × 150 bp read pairs per GB of the genome size. This resulted in 144.43 GB of data, including 478.26 M reads (Table 1).

Total RNA was extracted from five tissue types: gonad, liver, epipodial tentacle, eyes and gills. Unfortunately, attempts to extract high-quality RNA from the muscle tissue were unsuccessful. Each tissue was crushed with a sterilized, chilled pestle and mortar using 1 ml of TRIzol™. Once the tissue disruption was completed, the lysate was kept at −20 °C overnight. Total RNA extraction was completed using TRIzol™ Plus RNA Purification Kit (Invitrogen™) following the manufacturer’s protocol. The extracted RNA was stored at −80 °C. Library prep and sequencing were performed by AGRF following PacBio protocols. Sequencing was done using the PacBio Sequel ΙΙ and yielded 5.90 GB of data with 3.13 M reads (Table 1).

Genome assembly and scaffolding

For the assembly, we used the Hifiasm version 0.19.729 haplotype-resolved de novo assembler with the PacBio HiFi adapter-free FASTA file and Hi-C partition using Omni-C data. Next, Omni-C data was used as input for Dovetail’s Omni-C workflow ( The workflow includes various tools30,31,32,33,34,35 for QC of the Omni-C library and generating contact maps. The primary assembly was indexed using SAMtools33 and the index file was used to generate the ‘.genome’ file. Omni-C reads were aligned to a reference genome using BWA version 0.7.1731, and high-quality mapped reads were retained. The mapped data was used as input for pairtools version 1.0.332 to identify proximity ligation events, categorize pairs by read type, insert distance, and flag and remove PCR duplicates. Juicer tools version 1.635 was used to generate the HiC contact matrix and contact map. The final scaffolding step was done using YaHs version 1.136, which resulted in 170 scaffolds that span over 1.14 Gb with the longest scaffold size of 105.96 Mb, N50 of 67.09 Mb and L90 of 15 (Table 2). The Hi-C map (Fig. 2) suggested 16 chromosome-scale scaffolds, comprising 98.1% of the total genome size (Table 3).

Table 2 Basic statistics of H. asinina final genome assembly and summary statistics of other abalone genomes currently available on NCBI.
Fig. 2
figure 2

Hi-C heatmap. Pairwise interactions between pairs of chromosomes throughout H. asinina genome assembly. The figure was generated using Juicer35.

Table 3 Basic statistics of the 16 pseudo-chromosomes.

Methylation calling

High-quality reads produced using PacBio 5-base HiFi sequencing were used for CpG methylation calling across the genome assembly. Primrose version 1.3.0 (, a tool that predicts 5-methylcytosine (5mC) in HiFI reads, was used to add MM and ML tags (SAM tags that represent base modifications/methylation and base modification probabilities, respectively). The reads, which included the MM and ML tags, were aligned to the assembly using pbmm2 version 1.13.1 (, a minimap237,38 SMRT wrapper for PacBio data. Then, the aligned_bam_to_cpg_scores tool provided in pb-CpG-tools version 2.3.2 ( was used to generate CpG site methylation probabilities. Then, high probability (>95%) methylation site density was calculated across the entire genome (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Chromosome ideogram. Each pair of ideograms represents one of the sixteen chromosomes in the H. asinina genome. The numbers at the bottom of each ideogram represent the number of the chromosome (i.e. 1 = chr1). The inner heatmap in the left ideogram of each pair represents the gene density (bin size = 0.5 Mb). The inner heatmap in the right ideogram of each pair represents the methylation density (bin size = 0.5 Mb, probability cut-off of 95%). The top colour scale represents the gene density, and the lower scale represents the methylation density. The figure was generated using RIdeogram79.

Mitochondrial genome assembly

MitoHiFi version 3.0.139, a pipeline for mitochondrial genome assembly from PacBio HiFi reads (or the assembled contigs/scaffolds), was used with the default annotation tools – MitoFinder version 1.4.140 and ARWEN41. Scaffold_159 corresponds to the mitochondrial genome (17450 bp in length), including all 37 identified mitochondrial genes, with no frameshifts and high probability (>96%).

Repetitive sequence identification

RepeatModeler version 2.0.542 and RepeatMasker version 4.1.543 were used to screen the H. asinina genome assembly for de novo identification of transposable elements (TEs) and classification of repeated and low complexity sequences (Table 4). The proportion of repeated elements in H. asinina genome was 38.42%, half of which were classified as unknown (19.71%). Retroelements (Class I) comprised 13.25%, DNA transposons (Class II) were 5.37%, and 1.30% were simple repeats. The proportion of repeats found in H. asinina genome is relatively similar to other abalone species16,17,19,21 and other marine invertebrates44,45 such as Aplysia californica46 and Crassostrea virginica47.

Table 4 Summary of repetitive elements in the genome assembly of H. asinine.

Gene prediction and functional annotation

Gene prediction was performed on a version of the genome that was soft-masked for repeats using RepeatMasker version 4.1.543. Then, the PacBio Secondary Analysis Tools on Bioconda37,48 were used to process the Iso-Seq reads and identify transcripts. Iso-Seq 3, a scalable de novo isoform discovery from single-molecule PacBio reads workflow was applied on the reads from all five tissue types (liver, gonad, eyes, gills and epipodial tentacle). The full workflow is detailed at Briefly, cDNA primers, polyA tail and artificial concatemers were removed, and de novo isoform-level clustering was performed. High-quality isoforms were mapped to the genome (Fig. 4) using pbmm2 with a 99.86% mapping rate (samtools-flagstat version 1.16.133). Redundant transcripts were collapsed, and the TAMA49 package was used to produce gene models and to identify open reading frames (ORF) and coding regions (CDS). AGAT version 1.2.050 was used to filter all isoforms and to obtain the longest isoform per gene. For functional annotation, the protein-coding genes’ amino acid sequences were blasted (cut-off value 1e−5) using (1) blastp51,52 against UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot database53, (2) KEGG54,55, (3) InterProScan version Version 5.59-91.056,57 and (4) eggNOG version 2.1.858 to find protein hits, gene ontology and pathway information. Overall, 25,422 protein-coding genes and 61,149 transcripts were identified. The distribution and content of the gene elements are presented in Fig. 4. Gene density and methylation density across the 16 pseudo-chromosomes are presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Circos plot of H. asinina genome characteristics. From the outer to the inner layer: (a) 16 chromosome-level scaffolds (values represent length in Mb), (b) GC content, (c) exon content, (d) 5′ untranslated region (UTR) content, (e) 3′ UTR content, (f) Iso-Seq mapping coverage and a photo of H. asinina female specimen that was used for this study. Generated and calculated using TBtools80 on the basis of 1 Mb windows.

Data Records

All sequencing data used in this study and the Whole Genome Shotgun (WGS) assembly have been submitted to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) via BioProject ID PRJNA108003959. PacBio DNA sequencing data is available under the NCBI Sequence Read Archive accession number SRR2808376460. PacBio Iso-Seq data for all tissues (eyes, gills, tentacles, liver and gonad) is available under the NCBI Sequence Read Archive accession numbers SRR28084366-SRR2808437061,62,63,64,65. The Omni-C data is available under the NCBI Sequence Read Archive accession number SRR2810064366. The WGS assembly has been deposited at GenBank under the accession GCA_037392515.167. Genome annotation files68, repeat sequences files69 and the mitochondrial genome assembly70, genome methylation regions71 are available in Figshare.

Technical Validation

Nucleic acid

DNA quality and quantity was measured using Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop (260/280 = 1.87; 260/230 = 2.13, 111.8 ng/ml) and Qubit dsDNA High Sensitivity Assay (106 ng/ml). The integrity of the HMW gDNA was also confirmed by the Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF) using the Agilent™ FemtoPulse system. RNA quality and quantity from all tissues were measured using Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop (260/280 = 2.07–2.14; 260/230 = 1.93–2.28) and the Agilent™ TapeStation 4150 system (RIN > 9.3).

Sequencing data, assembly and annotations

Using HiFiAdapterFilt version 2.0.072, the PacBio HiFi reads BAM file was converted into a FASTA file prior to the adapter filtering and read trimming (using the default settings). The adapter-free FASTA file was used for k-mer counting using Meryl version 1.473 with k = 20 (estimated with Meryl based on the genome size). Next, the k-mer database was used as input to estimate the overall characteristics of the genome (genome heterozygosity, repeat content, and size) from sequencing reads using a kmer-based statistical approach via GenomeScope 2.0 version 1.0.074,75 (Fig. 5). The Hifiasm primary assembly output was used as input for QUAST version 5.2.076 and Merqury version 1.373 to generate a quality assessment report of the assembly. We used BUSCO version 5.5.077 with the metazoan_odb10 database to assess the genome assembly (–m geno–evalue 0.001–auto-lineage) and annotation (–m prot–evalue 0.001–lineage_dataset ‘metazoa_odb10’) completeness, resulting in 97.6% and 93.1% complete BUSCOs, respectively (Fig. 6). For BUSCO’s annotation completeness, isoforms were filtered from the gene set according to the latest BUSCO protocol78. Finally, we used Merqury73, a reference-free quality and completeness assessment tool for genome assemblies, resulting in 99.54% k-mer completeness and an assembly consensus quality value (QV) of 65.5 (>99.99% accuracy). The final assembly was visualized using Juicebox Assembly Tools35 to identify breakpoints in the assembly. However, we inspected these carefully and found that none show characteristic patterns of read coverage indicative of genuine errors (i.e. misjoins, translocations or inversions).

Fig. 5
figure 5

GenomeScope profile of H. asinina genome. Len: estimated genome length; uniq: overall length of unique, non-repetitive sequences; het: heterozygosity rate; kcov: mean k-mer coverage for first peak; err: error rate; dup: read duplication rate; k: k-mer length (automatically assigned). The figure was generated using GenomeScope 2.074,75.

Fig. 6
figure 6

BUSCO assessment results. BUSCO assembly (–genome) and annotation (–prot) assessment based on metazoa_odb10 lineage dataset (number of genomes: 65, number of BUSCOs: 954). The figure was generated using BUSCO77,78.