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Short History

In March 2014, MICRI Consult was founded, with three specific goals in mind:

  1. Offering consultancy and development about air treatment in general.
  2. Developing animated engineering software on different platforms (Windows, Android, Mac OS X, iOS) and on different devices (PC's, tablets and phones).
  3. Developing software for general aviation pilots, equally on different platforms and devices.

In March 2016, the sole proprietorship company MICRI Consult became a Limited Liability Company.

With their rich set of gestures, tablets and smart phones offer new challenges for data entry and general engineering applications. This website shows apps available on different stores (Apple Store, Google Play, Microsoft Store and Amazon Store). Some of them are free of charge to demonstrate a subset of the much richer charged apps. This website explains the most important ones. However, check the stores and find out more details.

In March 2017, the first industrial multi-platform app for the selection and dimension of Yanmar air condition systems started. This development has been completed at the beginning of 2018 and was updated in 2020. It runs on Windows and Mac OS. Since then, several other industrial projects were realized, e.g. for France Air and VVMV.

Since beginning of 2021, several industrial web applications have been developed for France Air, Noordzee Vliegclub and NSAC Medical. These apps offer a responsive interface allowing them to run on devices with different screen sizes, such as desktop, tablets and phones.

Find more information about the specific apps and projects by clicking the corresponding menu button at the top of this page.

Privacy Policy

The apps available in different stores do not require or store any private information. They also do not connect to any server.

The industrial apps require a user authentication, either through a simple login mechanism of through an encrypted key. This key is created using registration information such as name and email address. However, at any time a user can unregister, which removes those data from the registration server