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Other Risk Management Services

In addition to its other services, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) provides risk management consulting and self-insurance letters.

Request Risk Management Consulting for State Agencies

State agencies can request analysis and advice on insurance and risk management issues. This includes information on State contract requirements for insurance coverage plus review and validation of certificates of insurance. To request consulting, contact ERM at:

Enterprise Risk Management

Request a Letter of Self-Insurance

The State of Michigan is generally self-insured. To obtain a self-insurance letter, please email your request along with any additional documentation to ERM at:

Enterprise Risk Management

Request Settlement for a Claim Against the State Under $1,000

The State Administrative Board (Ad Board) has general supervisory control over the administrative activities of all state departments and agencies, which includes settlement of claims against the State under $1,000.

To file a claim, refer to the Claims Against the State of Michigan page.

Enterprise Risk Management Contact Info


Enterprise Risk Management Mailing Address

State of Michigan
DTMB Enterprise Risk Management
320 S. Walnut Street, 2nd FLR N
P.O. Box 30026
Lansing, MI 48909

Enterprise Risk Management Staff Contact Info

Stephanie Epps-Guzek
Engagement & Enterprise Risk Management Section

Gavin Lacambra
Engagement & Enterprise Risk Management Section
Risk Manager

Meagan Bryant
Engagement & Enterprise Risk Management Section
Risk Analyst