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Contract List

photo of clipped together sets of documents piled up
Department of Technology, Management and Budget

Contract List

NOTE: This page is not where vendors bid on projects.

This page is where the public copies of contracts currently in place are posted for review. State of Michigan open bids are posted on the SIGMA Vender Self Service (VSS) system.


About the Contract List

The Contract List serves as a directory for all active contracts that are managed by State of Michigan Procurement. This list also includes some, but not all, contracts from other agencies. This page replaces the previous DTMB Central Procurement Contract List Excel sheet.

How to use the Contract List

  • Viewing individual contracts: Each row has a Link icon that will open up the current, full PDF version of each contract. You'll be able to review the entire contract, including current specifications, change notices, and pricing.
  • Search, Sorting & Filters: You can use the search box and filter tools at the top of the dashboard to find contracts. Dashboard columns sortable. Buyer contact info is provided where available.

Extended purchasing

Certain State of Michigan contracts include provisions for extended purchasing. This allows the contract to be used for co-operative purchasing by non-State of Michigan entities through the MiDEAL or NASPO ValuePoint purchasing programs. 

Contract List Questions

If you have questions about the Contract List, please contact: