Custom and Innovative
Software Solutions for Professionals

UMT Plus

Work measurement software
A Software application that works on tablets and smartphones to perform professional time studies and work sampling.


UMT Standards

Generate and manage labour standards
This new database application allows your Industrial Engineers to professionally build, edit and share standards. Complete control and accessibility across your whole organization.


UMT Audit

Audit and Inspection software
Take any of your current paper inspections or audits and do them on a tablet. Quickly identify non conformance and send corrective action notifications. Get better audit reports faster.



Track and manage your cleaning schedules
Replace out of date technology to better manage housekeeping routes, easily track cleaning times and quickly provide evidence based data. Prevent infectious diseases with better sanitation management.


UMT Flow

Visualize and control workflow
Define, manage, initiate and track every step in your workflow. Use modern technology to better track your tasks and over time optimize the complete process flow.




We have been around for over 25 years and in that time, we’ve built a whole toolbox composed of innovative software solutions to help you in your process optimization journey.

Laubrass can assist your company to increase profitability and be more competitive in the global market by helping your team develop efficient processes. How do we do this? It's easy, we work with you to deliver the best tools to optimize your time and thereby increase your profits.

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Free trial

Looking for a Time study software? Try UMT Plus for 30 days.