
IFS organises a variety of seminars. All seminars are open to the general public.

For more information on how to attend, please contact @email.

Please contact the organisers listed below if you wish to present a paper.

  • Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP) seminars; Organisers: Antonella Bancalari, Christine FarquharsonDavid Sturrock, and Tom Waters.
  • IFS-STICERD seminars on public economics: topics relating to public economics; co-organised by CPP at IFS and STICERD at LSE. Organiser: Xavier Jaravel, Camille Landais, Peter Levell and Johannes Spinnewijn .
  • Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice (cemmap) seminars: topics relating to econometrics; Organiser: Daniel Wilhelm

2024 Seminars Programme

Unless otherwise specified, these seminars will take place in person at the IFS and online. For more information on how to attend, please contact @email.

Wed 13 Mar12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarBram De Rock  
(KU Leuven)
A spouse and a house are all we need? Housing
demand, labor supply and divorce over the lifecycle
Wed 20 Mar12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarSefi Roth      
Making the Invisible Visible: The Effects of Real-Time Indoor Air Pollution Information and the Demand for Clean Indoor Air (Joint with Robert Metcalfe)
Wed 27 Mar12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarDavid Seim      
(Stockholm University)
Deadwood labor: The effects of eliminating employment protection
Wed 3 Apr12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarAlex Willen      
(Norwegian School of Economics)
How do firms respond to unions?
Wed 10 Apr12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarDamian Clarke      
(University of Exeter)
Does Increasing Public Spending in Health Improve Health? Lessons from Constitutional Reform in Brazil (with Rudi Rocha and Michel Szklo)
Wed 17 Apr12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarOyebola Okunogbe      
(World Bank)
Becoming Legible to the State: The Role of Identification and Collection Capacity in Tax Compliance
Wed 1 May12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarDmitri Koustas      
(University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy)
Consumption and Employment Responses to Beliefs about Student Loan Repayment
Wed 8 May12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarNicole Maestas      
(Harvard Medical School)
Social Security Disability Reform and Implications for Employment
Fri 17 May12:30 - 13:45IFS - STICERD SeminarPeter Ganong      
(University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy)
Earnings Instability
Wed 29 May 12:30 - 13:45IFS - STICERD SeminarMichael Best      
(Columbia University)
Greener on the Other Side: Inequity and Tax Compliance*
Wed 12 June12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarSeema Jayachandran      
(Princeton University)
Moving to Opportunity, Together
Wed 26 June 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarDiane Whitmore Schanzenbach      
(Northwestern University)
Income Support Programs in the U.S. and Their Impacts on Child Nutrition
Wed 18 Sept12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarBen Moll (LSE)Putting the ‘Finance’ into ‘Public Finance’: A Theory of Capital Gains Taxation∗
Wed 25 Sept 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarPaul Gertler (UC Berkeley)The Sweet Life: The Long-Term Effects of a Sugar-Rich Early Childhood
Wed 2 Oct 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarMariacristina De Nardi (University of Minnesota)Health Inequality and Health Types
Wed 16 Oct12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarCormac O'Dea (Yale)Who Benefits from Retirement Saving Incentives in the U.S.? Evidence on Gaps in Retirement Wealth Accumulation by Race and Parental Income∗
Wed 30 Oct 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarRob Metcalfe (USC)A Welfare Analysis of Policies Impacting Climate Change
Wed 6 Nov12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarErika Deserranno (Northwestern/Bocconi)Gender Disparities in the Welfare Effect of the
Minimum Wage∗
Wed 13 Nov12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarAnna Russo (MIT) 
Wed 20 Nov 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarCeren Ozgen (University of Birmingham) 
Wed 4 Dec12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarDavid Deming (Harvard Kennedy School) 
Wed 26 Feb12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarChristian Hilber (LSE) 
Wed 5 March12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarChris Roth (University of Cologne) 
Wed 12 March 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarFrancois Gerard (UCL) 
Wed 19 March12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarAugustin Bergeron  
Wed 26 March 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarMarianne Bitler (UC Davis) 
Wed 2 April12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarPatrick Bayer (Duke) 
Wed 30 April12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarLaura Hospido (Bank of Spain) 
Wed 7 May12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarHelene Ollivier (PSE) 
Wed 21 May 12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarJoe Shapiro (UC Berkeley) 
Wed 4 June12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarEsteban Rossi-Hansberg (University of Chicago) 
Wed 11 June 12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarSusan Dynarksi (Harvard)  
Wed 18 June12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarIrem Guceri (Oxford)  
Wed 25 June 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarJason Sockin (Cornell)  


Past Seminars:      


Date Time Seminar Speaker Title 
Wed 8th Mar12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarJoana Naritomi (LSE) Cash Transfers and the Local Economy: Evidence from Brazil
Mon 20th Mar12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarCourtney Coile (Wellesley College)How Post-Secondary Earnings Affects Earnings, Disability, and Longevity: Evidence from the Social Security Student Benefit Program.
Wed 12th Apr12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarYujung Hwang    Bounding omitted variable bias using auxiliary data with an application to estimate neighborhood effects
Wed 19th Apr12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarJon Kolstad (Berkeley)What Drives Health Inequality? Social Determinants of Health and Health Care Access.
Fri 28th Apr14:00 - 15:00IFS/LSE/UCL IO SeminarSimeon DuckworthTaking the biscuit: how Safari privacy policies affect online advertising
Fri 28th Apr14:00 - 15:00IFS/LSE/UCL IO SeminarVlad Pavlov 
Wed 3rd May12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarAdriana Lleras-Muney (UCLA)      Do Youth Employment Programs Work? Evidence from the New Deal
Fri 5th May14:00 - 15:00IFS/LSE/UCL IO SeminarMilena Almagro   Urban Renewal, Gentrification, and Inequality: Evidence from Chicago Public Housing Demolitions
Wed 10th May 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarYiqun Chen (University of Illinois at Chicago)
The Productivity of Professions: Evidence from the Emergency Department (with David Chan)     
Fri 12th May14:00 - 15:00IFS/LSE/UCL IO SeminarKirill Borusyak    Exogeneity and Efficiency in BLP-style Demand Estimation
Fri 12th May14:00 - 15:00IFS/LSE/UCL IO SeminarIvan Olszak   Teacher-pupil sorting, learning, and inequality
Wed 17th May 12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarNicholas Bloom (Stanford University)The diffusion of disruptive technologies      
Mon 22nd May 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarTom Zohar (CEMFI)    
Quantifying the Role of Firms in Intergenerational Mobility (joint with Cauê Dobbin)
Fri 26th May 14:00 - 15:00IFS/LSE/UCL IO SeminarPeter Lambert  Working in Space
Fri 26th May 14:00 - 15:00IFS/LSE/UCL IO SeminarAnna Vitali      
Consumer Search and Firm Location: Theory and Evidence from the Garment Sector in Uganda
Wed 31st May 12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarCorina Mommaerts (University of Wisconsin)Firm Accommodation and the Design of Social Insurance
Wed 7th June12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarBasit Zafar (University of Michigan) Assessing the Costs of Balancing College and Work Activities: The Gig Economy Meets Online Education
Wed 21st June12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarJochem de Bresser (Tilburg University)Heterogeneity in default effects on retirement saving (joint with Marike Knoef)
Fri 23rd June14:00 - 15:00IFS STICERD SeminarDmitriy Sergeyev (Bocconi University)The Economics of Financial Stress
Wed 28th June12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarTarun Ramadorai      A Bad Bunch: Asset Value Under-Reporting in the Mumbai Real Estate Market
Wed 11th Sept12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarJonathan Skinner (Oxford University)Productivity Variation and Input Misallocation: Evidence from Hospitals
Wed 11th Oct 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarSarah Clifford (Dartmouth University)The multinational capital advantage
Wed 25th Oct 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarAndrew Foster (Brown University)Start What You Finish!  Ex ante risk and schooling investments in the presence of dynamic complementarities
Wed 8th Nov12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarMartin Hackmann (UCLA)Health Insurance as Economic Stimulus? Evidence from Long-Term Care Jobs
Wed 15th Nov12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarMatt Shapiro (University of Michigan) 
Mon 20th Nov12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarMartin Halla (Linz) 
Wed 29th Nov12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarDavid Green (University of British Colombia)The Impact of Unions on Nonunion Wage Setting: Threats and Bargaining (with Ben Sand, Iain Snoddy, and Jeanne Tschopp)
Wed 6th Dec12:30 - 13:45IFS Seminar Ingrid Huitfeldt (BI Norwegian Business School)Distributional Consequences of Cost-Sharing in a Universal Healthcare System (with Simon Bensnes and Victoria Marone)
Date TimeSeminar Speaker Title 
Fri 18th Feb 15:30 - 17:00Micro Macro Household Finance Seminar Mark Aguiar (Princeton)Who are the hand-to-mouth?
Wed 23rd Feb 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarMax Kellogg (University of Chicago)Household Self-Insurance and the Value of Disability Insurance in the United States
Mon 14th Mar12:30 - 13:45IFS Seminar Abhijeet Singh (Stockholm School of Economics)The incidence of affirmative action: Evidence from quotas in private schools in India
Wed 16th Mar12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarEvan Rose (University of Chicago)Systemic Discrimination among large U.S. Employers
Fri 18th Mar15:30 - 17:00Micro Macro Household Finance Seminar Matthieu Gomez (Columbia)Asset-Price Redistribution
Mon 21st Mar12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarNaomi Feldman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)The Impact of Opportunity Zones on Commercial Investment and Economic Activity
Wed 30th Mar16:30 - 17:45IFS STICERD SeminarStefanie Stantcheva (Harvard University)Wealth and Property Taxation in the United States
Mon 25th Apr14:30 - 15:45IFS Seminar (Online only)Heather Sarsons (University of Chicago)National Wage Setting
Wed 4th May12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarPetra Persson (Stanford University)Targeting Precision Medicine: Evidence from Prenatal Screening
Mon 9th May12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarJonathan Colmer (University of Virginia)Air Pollution and Economic Opportunity in the United States
Wed 18th May12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarAline Bütikofer (Norwegian School of Economics)Pregnancy Loss: Stress, Investment, and Subsequent Children
Mon 23rd May12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarDiane Alexander (The Wharton School)Provider Payments and the Direction of Innovation: The Case of the Wearable Artificial Kidney
Wed 8th June12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarJohannes Spinnewyn (LSE)Predicting Long-term Unemployment Risk
Mon 13th June12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarBrenda Samaniego de la Parra (University of California Santa Cruz)How Much Is a Formal Job Worth? Evidence from Mexico
Wed 15th June16:00 - 17:15IFS SeminarAttila Lindner (UCL)Firm Heterogeneity and the Impact of Payroll Taxes
Wed 28th Sept12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarCauê Dobbin (Stanford University)The Equilibrium Effects of Subsidized Student Loans
Wed 26th Oct 12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarJo Blanden (University of Surrey)Do non-monetary interventions improve staff retention? Evidence from English NHS hospitals
Wed 16th Nov12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarXavier Jaravel (LSE)Implementing Helicopter Money with Negative Interest Rates: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment
Wed 23rd Nov12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarHelen Simpson (University of Bristol)The Ties that Bind: Social Networks and Boardroom Appointments
Wed 30th Nov12:30 - 13:45IFS STICERD SeminarPeter Levell (IFS)Housing supply and worker misallocation in the UK
Wed 7th Dec12:30 - 13:45IFS SeminarJohn Gathergood (University of Nottingham)Does Pension Automatic Enrolment Cause Debt? Evidence from a Large-Scale Natural Experiment