If you’re here, you’ve taken a big step. You understand the importance of a healthy pregnancy. You understand the challenges that substance use can mean for that healthy pregnancy, but you may have questions and concerns. The information below will help answer some of those questions and concerns. But more importantly, it will help give you a reason, information and the strength to talk to your health care professional about substance use.

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Alcohol during pregnancy patient fact sheet cover
Download Fact Sheet on Alcohol During Pregnancy and Beyond

Questions about alcohol use and pregnancy are common, especially before you knew that you were pregnant. This fact sheet answers your basic questions about alcohol and pregnancy, but your health care professional can always explain more and answer any other questions you have.

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Cannabis during pregnancy patient fact sheet cover
Download Fact Sheet on Cannabis During Pregnancy and Beyond

The changing legality of cannabis creates new questions for people who are, or are trying to become, pregnant. Our fact sheet answers some of your most common questions, giving you the information you need to continue the conversation with your health care professional.

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Opioids during pregnancy patient fact sheet cover
Download Fact Sheet on Opioids During Pregnancy and Beyond

Opioids can be highly-addictive substances, even when prescribed by a health care professional. Often the stress of quitting can feel greater than knowing how important quitting is during pregnancy. So we’ve answered some basic questions in the hope that it gives you information to take to your health care professional and start a conversation that leads to a healthier pregnancy.

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Tobacco during pregnancy patient fact sheet cover
Download Fact Sheet on Tobacco During Pregnancy and Beyond

Most people know tobacco is an addictive, harmful substance. But what many of them don’t know is how hard it is to quit. Our fact sheet answers the most basic questions about tobacco use during and after pregnancy. Information we hope helps you take the next step and speak with your health care professional.

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We hope this gives you

the information, questions to ask, and courage to reach out to your health care provider and continue the conversation. They are your greatest resource for a healthy pregnancy, birth and beyond.

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