Helpful Resources

Learn more in this webinar on best practices for integrating Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Trials developed by the International Society for Quality of Life Research and the National Cancer Institute. 

View the webinar series on the NCI website by searching Patient Reported Outcome (PROs) Webinars>>

Considerations for Research Protocols

HealthMeasures can be integrated in a wide range of research protocols. When doing so, consider the following factors:

Identify the Research Context

  • What are the goals (research questions) of the study?
  • Who is included in the target population?
  • What are the patient-centered domains to be measured?
  • Will the patient-reported data serve as a primary, secondary, or exploratory endpoint?

Design the Research Study

  • What are the characteristics of the patients eligible for this study?
  • Which measure should be used and has it been evaluated (validated) in the target population?
  • Will the patient-reported data be collected on computer, tablet, by phone, or on paper? Is it self-report, proxy-report, or interviewer administered?
  • When and how often should patient-reported data be collected?
  • Where should the patient data be collected (e.g., in clinic, at home)?

Plan Quality Control for Data Collection

  • Is the schedule of assessments feasible for the patient population?
  • Is adequate time set aside for research staff to program the questionnaire, track patient enrollment, monitor data completion quality and rates, and follow up on problems?
  • Are incentives provided for patients, interviewers, or sites?

Statistical Analyses

  • Is the proposed analytic plan appropriate for the endpoint?
  • Is the sample size adequate based on power calculations?
  • How will missing patient-reported data be handled?
  • Is adequate time set aside for the statistician to analyze the data?

Presentation of Data and Dissemination of Results

  • Who is the audience (e.g., researchers, clinicians, patients, administrators, policy makers)?
  • Are the patient-reported data presented in a way that is easy to understand?
  • Are the study results and clinical data disseminated in a high impact journal?

Share your Data!

The HealthMeasures Dataverse is a free data repository that houses de-identified datasets from studies that include PROMIS, NIH Toolbox, Neuro-QoL, and ASCQ-Me measures. Each dataset is accompanied by a brief description, codebook, and list of related publications. Researchers can use this resource to publicly share any research that includes HealthMeasures; this tool meets the needs of journal requirements for dataset dissemination. Datasets can also be freely downloaded. Learn more>>


Last updated on 3/27/2023