List of Pediatric Emotion Measures

Available NIH Toolbox® Emotion Measures for Pediatric (Ages 8-17) Self-Report

Pediatric Domains Definition Measure Names Bank # of Items Fixed Form (FF) Bank # of Items
Negative Affect
Anger Attitudes of hostility and cynicism often associated with experiences of frustration impeding goal-directed behavior. Anger Fixed Form Ages 8-17 v3.0   9
Fear Symptoms of anxiety that reflect autonomic arousal and perceptions of threat. Fear/Anxiety CAT Ages 8-17 v3.0 15  


Low levels of positive affect, comprised of symptoms that are primarily affective (poor mood) and cognitive (negative perceptions of self, the world, and the future) indicators of depression. Sadness/Depression CAT Ages 8-17 v3.0 14  
Psychological Well-Being
Positive Affect Feelings that reflect a level of pleasurable engagement with the environment, such as happiness, joy, excitement, enthusiasm, and contentment. Positive Affect CAT Ages 8-12 v3.0 9  
Positive Affect CAT Ages 13-17 v3.0 40  
Life Satisfaction One’s cognitive evaluation of life experiences and whether one likes his/her life or not. General Life Satisfaction FF Ages 8-12 v3.0   5
General Life Satisfaction CAT Ages 13-17 v3.0 10  
Stress & Self-Efficacy
Perceived Stress Individual perceptions about the nature of events and their relationship to the values and coping resources of an individual. Perceived Stress CAT Ages 13-17 v3.0 10  
Self-Efficacy A person’s belief in his/her capacity to manage functioning and have control over meaningful events. Self-Efficacy CAT Ages 8-12 v3.0 10  
Self-Efficacy CAT Ages 13-17 v3.0 10  
Social Relationships
Social Support The perception that people in one’s social network are available to listen to one’s problems with empathy, caring, and understanding. Emotional Support CAT Ages 8-17 v3.0 7  
Companionship Perceptions that one is alone, lonely, or socially isolated from others. Loneliness FF Ages 8-17 v3.0   7
Friendship CAT Ages 8-17 v3.0 5  
Social Distress The extent to which an individual perceives his/her daily social interactions as negative or distressing. This can include aspects of perceived hostility (e.g., how often people argue with me, yell at me, or criticize me) and perceived insensitivity (e.g., how often people don’t listen when I ask for help, or don’t pay attention to me). Perceived Hostility FF Ages 8-17 v3.0   5
Perceived Rejection FF Ages 8-17 v3.0   5

CAT = Computer Adaptive Test, FF = Fixed Form

 Table last updated on 3/4/2024


NIH Toolbox Pediatric Emotion Battery

  • A set of measures that can be administered within the NIH Toolbox iPad app
  • Completed in about 30 minutes
  • For child (ages 8-17) self-report
  • Measures of Positive Affect, General Life Satisfaction, Emotional Support, Friendship, Loneliness, Perceived Rejection, Perceived Hostility, Self-Efficacy, Sadness, Perceived Stress, Fear, and Anger.


Last updated on 3/4/2024