Obtain & Administer Measures

ASCQ-Me® measures are available as “respondent ready” PDFs and in numerous administration platforms.

Paper-based Measures

PDFs of ASCQ-Me measures need no preparation, are “respondent ready” and are available for free.

Digital Measures

ASCQ-Me measures are available for digital administration. Computer adaptive tests (CATs) require digital administration. ASCQ-Me CATs, short forms, and checklists are available in:

  • REDCap: a secure web application for building and managing online surveys. Learn more>>
  • Assessment Center Application Programming Interface (API): an API connects your administration platform with the full library of PROMIS measures including CATs. Learn more>>
  • Many other software platforms. Learn more>>

Obtaining Translations

  • ASCQ-Me measures are available in other languages including Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
  • Contact Dr. San Keller at sankeller@air.org to learn what is available and how to access measures.

Permission for Use:

ASCQ-Me measures are copyrighted. All English versions of ASCQ-Me are publicly available for use in one’s individual research, clinical practice, educational assessment, or other application without licensing or royalty fees. Commercial users must seek permission to use, reproduce, or distribute measures. Integration into proprietary technology requires written permission. Read the ASCQ-Me Terms and Conditions of Use for more information.

Best Practices in Administration

  • ASCQ-Me self-report measures are intended to be completed by the respondent without help from anyone else.
  • Keep respondents’ privacy in mind, but have staff readily available to help with any technology issues that may arise.
  • It is acceptable for staff to define a term (e.g., “nausea”), but not to define a concept where the respondent’s subjective interpretation is the goal of the question (e.g., “quality of life”).
  • Respondents should be instructed to answer all items to the best of their ability. For a respondent who indicates the item asks about an activity they don’t do, instruct them to consider what that activity would be like, and imagine or predict how it would be for them. For example, for the item “Are you able to use a hammer to pound a nail?” imagine the upper body strength, coordination, and dexterity needed to pound a nail with a hammer and evaluate to what degree they have that level of function. Respondents should always have the opportunity to skip an item if needed as well.
  • Utilize the same method (e.g., computer, telephone or paper) and mode (e.g., self vs. interviewer) of administration.
  • In clinical settings, give respondents the optimal time needed to provide complete data at the appropriate time (e.g., before/after clinician visits, or in between visits). This may depend on the study aims and/or clinic workflow.
  • The text and responses of ASCQ-Me items cannot be altered in any way and still be considered ASCQ-Me items. All modifications require written permission. In cases where permission is granted, an evaluation of the impact of approved modifications is expected. Contact ascqmeinfo@air.org and read the ASCQ-Me Terms and Conditions of Use for more information.

Disinfecting Shared Devices

When a shared device (e.g., tablet computer) is used to administer measures, it is critical that the device is disinfected between users. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends 1) using a wipeable cover and 2) following manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfecting. Learn more>>


Last updated on 5/28/2024