I aim at developing small, modular and maximal compatible plugins that don't break vanilla lore too much.
Please excuse bad English, spelling, grammar, etc... English isn't my mother tongue. Feel free to correct me.
Pull requests, discussions and Issue reports are welcome!
Furthermore, I'd like to present https://zuckung.github.io/ES-DataParser/ to other plugin creators or people who seek information inside the data folder. Basically it is a very fast website to view every object of the data folder, especially when you don't know where to find something. For an easier browsing and comparing of game objects, like missions, ships, systems, and others.
If you are familiar with Python, the scripts in the tools-folder might be interesting. There are a few to generate some of my plugins (to keep them up-to-date). And others like an ES jpg map creator or a PR files downloader.
I've got another new project, a github repository that lets you online generate a galaxy with up to 500 star systems and some more options to configurate that galaxy. When done, you can download it as a plugin. Here is the link. https://github.com/zuckung/ES-GalaxyGenerator
additional.command.buttons.radial.zip | 919.77 kb | 2024-11-20 | view files | view images [216]
Reworks the main buttons ui on the lower right side. Made for the ANDROID version of ES. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### additional.command.buttons
Reworks the main buttons ui on the lower right side. Made for the ANDROID version of ES.
This plugin
rearranges and resizes some of the buttons
changes most icons (making a ring around as a standard)
adds more permanent buttons from the radial menus to make them easy accessible
removes the radial menus
adds a new button row to the top right for the fleet commands
adds zoom buttons
greyes out inactive buttons
puts images behind the buttons.
To change the colour of the buttons, copy the contents of your desired colour folder 'images/ui/color' to 'images/ui/' and overwrite the files there.
added small main menu button to the top left corner (requested by tarminu)
removed hold fire button, because it's unsure when/if it comes back
changed fast forward button back to small again, because it messed up the mission overview
added 5 colour schemes(red, green, blue, purple, orange)
deactivated hold fire button, because it got removed in 0.10.10
added fleet formations button
added fleet hold fire button
fine tuning for the graphics
fixed button radius typo on fleet gather
moved the fleet commands to the right side, so the jump systems are better seen
changed button background to look more natural
fixed an error
adjusted positions
added zoom buttons
all buttons are visible now, but greyed out if you can't use them
reworked all buttons to display a ring around them
resized the fast forward button in the upper left corner, and added a greyed out version
added a new panel for the fleet commands to the top center
reworked the toggle ammo button
removed the expandable radial menus, because all buttons are on the screen now
exchanged some of the button positions
initial release
automata.destruction.0percent.zip | 44.08 kb | 2024-06-07 | view files | view images [1]
Modifies the self destruction chance of Sestor and Mereti ships to a value of 0.0 (0%). See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### automata.destruction.0percent
Modifies the self destruction chance of Sestor and Mereti ships to a value of 0.0 (0%).
Sestor 349/109/78/71/53/27/14 and Mereti 512/256/128/64/32/16/8 ships have a self destruction value of 0.0 (0%) now.
You can easily change the values in automata.txt for each ship ('"self destruct" .0') to a value of your choice. I.e. 0.12 is 23%, 0.3 is 51%, 0.5 is 75%. Its calculated twice, first the chance for self destruction on boarding(i.e. 0.3) is 30%, then of the remaining 70% again 30% chance for self destruction on capturing. That makes 30% + 21% = 51% overall chance for self destruction on a capturing try.
text corrections (thx to TheGiraffe3)
added plugin.txt
changed icon
changed about.txt
changed readme
automata.in.human.space.zip | 35.86 kb | 2024-09-24 | view files | view images [1]
Brings jump drive equipped automata into human space after the wanderer campaign. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### automata.in.human.space
Brings jump drive equipped automata into human space after the wanderer campaign.
You can find them where Korath ships in human space are usually found(ember waste and eastern syndicate).
The chance to encounter previous Korath ships or automata is like 50/50.
removed jumpdrive from fighters and drones and put them correctly into the carriers
adjusted some fleet variants
added plugin.txt
added more fleet variants
reworked readme
changed icon.png
better.starts.zip | 23.58 kb | 2024-12-19 | view files | view images [1]
Adds several new start options with different ships, background stories, credits and debts. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### better.starts
Adds several new start options with different ships, background stories, credits and debts.
- Start: Trader | Freighter: equipped for cargo transport, in Merak system
- Start: Trader (Hai) | Aphid: equipped for cargo transport, in Fah Soom system(Hai space)
- Start: Passenger Transport | Scout: equipped for passenger transport, Talita system
- Start: Miner | Sunder: equipped for mining, in Rasalhague system
- Start: Salvager | Shuttle: equipped for boarding, in Aldhibain system
- Start: Salvager(big) | Argosy: equipped for boarding, in Aldhibain system
- Start: Explorer to Remnant | Heavy Shuttle: equipped for exploring the Remnant, in Tania Australis system
- Start: Explorer to Automata | Bounder: equipped for exploring the Kor Automata, in Mirfak system
- Start: Cheater 1 | Heron + 10xKIV: 1b credits, full visible human space, Jump Drive, in Sol system, no story
- Start: Cheater 2 | Heron + 10xSkylark: 1b credits, full visible human space, Jump Drive, in Sol system, no story
Beside the cheater start options, all others are balanced and lore friendly. A bigger ship means a bigger bank loan. All starts come with 200.000 credits cash and a bank loan between 600.000 and 4,5 million credits. The ships outfits are changed to fit the role. The intro missions on New Boston are set as completed. Same goes for the Hai start with the Hai first contact mission.
changed cheater 2 start heron to have 20 heavy warship bays
proofreading and minor text changes (Vemenous-Repentile)
added a new cheater start with Quarg outfits, ships and more credits
text corrections (thx to TheGiraffe3)
Start: Cheater, changed Heron weapons and added 10x KIV with beam weapons
Start: Cheater, added mission for full visible human space to the outfitter
Start: Cheater... fixed map not showing all systems
Start: Miner... changed ship to "Sunder" with 2 Mining Drones
added plugin.txt
added passenger transport start
set intro missions to done for all starts
doubled bank loan duration / halfed interest rate for all starts
changed cheater start ship and credits
changed miner start to a system with outfitter
added Start Trader Freighter
added Start Trader (Hai) Aphid
added Start Explorer to Remnant
added Start Explorer to Automata
bunrodea.missions.zip | 1.29 mb | 2024-12-12 | view files | view images [36]
Adds some missions and jobs to increase the Bunrodea reputation. The first mission is available after the vanilla first contact mission. Doing more jobs will allow you to get access to all their planets and ships. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### bunrodea.missions
This plugin adds some missions to destroy Korath ships, which enable job board missions for raising the Bunrodea reputation. The first mission is available after the vanilla first contact mission. Doing more jobs will allow you to get access to all their planets and ships.
Unlocking the planets is based on reputation, so you get access step by step. Unlocking the last of the planets(with the big shipyard) needs 500 reputation.
Some missions from landing/spaceport unlock jobs. Others just give reputation or unlock story progression. Each job gives 5 to 40 reputation.
Averagely you have to do like 50 jobs, less if you take the fighting jobs. Like in vanilla play, hit spaceport often.
Since it's often questioned, here is a guide to the bunrodea first contact mission. Travel through Bunrodea territory till you've killed at least one Bunrodea ship, then fly to a human system, land there and you get a mission that mission brings you back to the Bunrodea. You can land on 4 planets now, and at this point this plugin starts.
proofreading and minor text changes (Vemenous-Repentile)
text correction (thx to Dagroth)
text corrections (thx to TheGiraffe3)
fixed error on natural spawning korath fleets
changed some space port news and jobs to require culture conversations
changed culture conversation chance from 10% to 20%
changed icon
changed reputation needed for planet landings, to make the progression more fluent
changed first contact mission chance to 100%, from 10% (for pilcrow)
changed filenames (delete old files on update)
added 5 new jobs
added 6 side missions/chains, most with scene images
added 1 person ship (thx pilcrow)
added language bunrodea and friendly hails
added minable asteroids to the systems
added 4 scene images
added 2 invisible missions to fix storyline on update / on loss of uniques
changed gift at full rep from ship to a unique
added 2 new culture conversations: flonkball / snap fly hunt
added more spaceport news and regrouped them
rebalanced the worldship mission/job, to nearly same chances as in vanilla fleets. (2,5%=582,590,577,Rai'alorej and 50%=618 and 40%=621)
added "Kas'lor Ik 582 (Jump)" and "Lor'nag Ik 590 (Troop Transport)" and "Rai'alorej" to worldship mission/jobs
added lots of spaceport news, with portraits
added 3 new medium transport jobs
changed execution culture conversation and jobs to 300 rep
changed korath defense missions from landing to spaceport, and added choice to defer
changed reputation needed on Bunthro and Erabuthro to reflect the progression
changed chance for the 577 worldship to 10%
added first contact guide to readme
added unique outfit "Bunrodea Translation Device"
added 2 more hunt criminal jobs
fixed missions not starting bug
removed worldship fleets from the 3 border systems
added normal korath fleets to the 3 border systems
added 3rd fight mission(worldship) and repeatable job(25% chance)
added 3 rush delivery jobs
added criminal hunt culture conversation(25% chance) and repeatable job(35% chance) after
added final mission at 500 reputation
fixed unplayable first mission, if it gets started direct after the first contact
added plugin.txt
changed fleet missions/jobs to include only Palavret and Rano'erek
added korath fleets to Era Natta, Genta Bo and Eneva Katta
added 6 transport/passenger jobs
added a 2nd mission and a 2nd repeatable job
initial release
captureable.person.ships.zip | 140.1 kb | 2024-11-11 | view files | view images [3]
Makes person ships capturable. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### capturable.person.ships
Makes person ships captureable.
Well, technically this plugin disables the person ships, and creates new ones which are captureable (with changed names to " (disable me)", due to limitations of changing parts of the originals). Also adds all of them to the author government, adjusts some personalities and sets all frequencies to 1000. Changed "Tranquility" to have a weapon, so it doesn't flee. And changed "Zitchas" personality to "decloaked", so it doesn'tflee and regenerate while cloaked.
So attacking one of them makes all your enemies, they all try to disable instead of destroying, and they all have the same spawn chance which is in average within 10 minutes.
At Earth's job board you can find a repeatable job that displays which persons you have already killed, which are alive, and where to find them.
After you've killed them all, you receive a small unique gift.
I tested this plugin with 10x KIV349, all equipped with Mereti beam weapons, was probably an overkill on most. Boarding "Zitchas"(1000 crew) needed an Echo-Galleon, and I tried it with hand2hand outfits plugin. Maybe it works with nerve gas too.
In cap_persons.txt you find the following line under gamerules: "# "person spawn period" 2000". If you remove the "#" the spawning speed is increased to one spawn in max a minute.
- "vyu-Ir" (not a person ship, but unique | found south-western of Gegno)
- "Michael Zahniser" (found everywhere | Kestrel + Finch)
- "Cap'n Pester" (found everywhere | Quarg Wardragon)
- "Marauding Max" (found everywhere | Marauder Fury)
- "Captain Nate" (found everywhere | Vanguard)
- "Tranquility" (found everywhere | Lampyrid)
- "Power of the People" (found everywhere | Modified Osprey)
- "Local God" (found everywhere | Ursa Polaris)
- "Subsidurial" (found in uninhabited | Subsidurial)
- "Prototype B3-CC4" (found in Ember Waste | Shooting Star)
- "Rais Iris XVIII" (found everywhere | Marauder Bactrian)
- "Zitchas" (found in Ember Waste | Heron + Peregrine + 4x Petrel + 32x Tern)
- "Brick" (found everywhere | 3x Modified Boxwing)
- "Gefullte Taubenbrust" (found everywhere | Modified Battleship)
- "MasterOfGrey" (found in Hai space | Modified Ladybug)
- "Patrol Team" (found everywhere | 6x Waverider)
made vyu-Ir captureable (unique, but no person ship)
normalized the spawn speed
proofreading and minor text changes (Vemenous-Repentile)
changed status mission to fail on daily
changed subsidural (1 outfit space, keystone and 300 fuel)
fixed tranquility weapon space error
removed fines from author government
text corrections (thx to TheGiraffe3)
adjusted mass and drag to be like in 0.10.7
removed staying personality ftom Tranquility
renamed persons to "name (C)", was "name (Capture me)"
set person killed job back to earth only, less annoying when you are done
added a mission with unique reward, after killing all person ships
set "no person spawn weight" to 0
added person destroyed check job to every planet with a job board
added a gun to Tranquility so that it stays for fighting
changed Zitchas personality, so that it doesn't cloak
added person destroyed check on Earth job board
added 0.10.5 person "Patrol Team"
added plugin.txt
changed gamerules back, because it caused mass spawning
changed some personalities
changed all frequencies to 1000
changed gamerules to prevent no spawning chance
initial release
coalition.shopping.zip | 403.06 kb | 2024-11-09 | view files | view images [5]
Adds all Coalition/Heliarch/Lunarium outfits and ships to "Far Home" in the "Homeward" system. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### coalition.shopping
Adds all Coalition/Heliarch/Lunarium outfits and ships to 'Far Home' in 'Homeward' system.
Adds all existing coalition outfitters and shipyards to 'Far Home'. Also adds a new shipyard and a new outfitter with missing ships/outfits.
To start the mission to enable these outfitters and shipyards, you have to join Heliarch or Lunarium (complete the first chapter of these storylines) and own/pay 6/5 million credits. The mission starts anywhere in coalition space. I added this plausible mission to make the plugin feel less cheaty.
corrected scene size
added @2x images
some error fixing, adjustments and text improvements (thx to timeout.fu)
more text adjustments (from TheGiraffe3)
added 2 scene images
added a plausible story mission for heliarch and one for lunarium players
fixed error on coalition basics outfitter
added plugin.txt
initial release
control.station.zip | 231.84 kb | 2024-05-14 | view files | view images [3]
Adds a station to the Sol system that offers administrative functions started by the job board. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### control.station
Adds a station to the Sol system that offers administrative functions started by the job board. See the readme for details.
Current functions:
show reputation
show person ships
show all vanilla system
complete free worlds reconciliation campaign
complete free worlds checkmate campaign
complete free worlds both campaigns
complete hai reveal 0 prolog
complete remnant campaign
Completing the campaigns might not exactly have the same result as if the campaign was played. There is a massive amount of events, that might suppress other events, when done on the same day. It looks good now, but not sure if that's really the case.
So lets call this plugin EXPERIMENTAL for now.
fixed all events set not correct
fixed fw mission offered on clink
fixed vanilla fw events with dates overwriting the set done
added 100 Neutral rep so you can land on the former Pug planets
added -100 Pirate rep
added checkmate option
added both branches option
added hai reveal 0 done job
added remnant done job
added reveal whole galaxy job
initial release
disable.person.ships.zip | 20.08 kb | 2024-04-06 | view files | view images [1]
Disables all person ships. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### disable.person.ships
Disables all 14 random spawning person ships.
- "Michael Zahniser"
- "Cap'n Pester"
- "Marauding Max"
- "Captain Nate"
- "Tranquility"
- "Power of the People"
- "Local God"
- "Subsidurial"
- "Prototype B3-CC4"
- "Rais Iris XVIII"
- "Zitchas"
- "Brick"
- "Gefullte Taubenbrust"
- "MasterOfGrey"
- "Patrol Team"
added 0.10.5 "Patrol Team"
added plugin.txt
added icon.png
disable.spaceport.repeatables.zip | 20.57 kb | 2024-05-26 | view files | view images [1]
Disables all repeatable spaceport missions. I.e. shady passenger transport, drug smuggling, time critical transport or defend planet. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### disable.spaceport.repeatables
Disables all spaceport repeatable missions. These missions annoy me. Removes the 8 dialog repeatables, the 8 defend planet missions and the 4 republic catastrophe repeatables.
- "Shady passenger transport 1"
- "Shady passenger transport 2"
- "Shady passenger transport 3"
- "Drug Running 1"
- "Drug Running 2"
- "Drug Running 3"
- "Courier 1"
- "Courier 2"
- "Southern Pirate Attack"
- "Northern Pirate Attack"
- "Core Pirate Attack"
- "Pirate Occupation [0]"
- "Pirate Occupation [1]"
- "Pirate Occupation [2]"
- "Raider Attack 1"
- "Raider Attack 2"
- "Republic Navy Advisory System [frozen]"
- "Republic Navy Advisory System [volcanic]"
- "Republic Navy Advisory System [wildfire cargo]"
- "Republic Navy Advisory System [wildfire firefighters]"
- "Small Scale Delivery" (Kor Efret)
added "Small Scale Delivery" from Kor Efret
added the 4 republic catastrophe repeatables
added plugin.txt
added the 2 syndicate alien attack missions
added the 3 pirate occupation missions
added icon.png
expert.crew.members.zip | 7.55 mb | 2024-11-29 | view files | view images [183]
Adds unique crew members, aquireable through low chance spaceport missions. These crew members are technically outfits which require a bunk and a salary, but no outfit space or mass. They add, depending on their technology field, stats to your ship. Like shield regeneration, more thrust, more cargo etc. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### expert.crew.members
Adds unique crew members, aquireable through spaceport missions. These crew members are technically outfits which require a bunk and a salary, but no outfit space or mass. They add, depending on their technology field, stats to your ship. Like shield regeneration, more thrust, more cargo etc.
Currently there are 90 expert crew members. Visit spaceports with an outfitter to find the missions(1% chance). In every of the following regions you can find 5 experts: Rim, South, Dirt Belt, Deep, Near Earth, Core, North, Paradise, Hai, Bunrodea(after first contact), Remnant, Wanderer(after translation device), Kor Efret(after Rek went to the Kor Efret), Gegno, Successor, Arachi, Kimek, Saryd(last 3 after coalition first contact).
Their technology fields are: combat(9) cooling(9) energy(9) engine(9) fuel(9) hull(9) jamming(9) scanner(9) shield(9) storage(9).
In case you can't afford their daily wage you can store them at the outfitter without daily costs.
They have the positive stats of a small human outfit, at the cost of a bunk and a daily salary of 2.000 to 5.000 credits. On a small ship they make a huge difference, while on a heavy warship the stats are minor.
If you collect them all, you'll get a special mission.
See crew.list.txt of this plugin for locations, and stat infos.
changed images for wanderers, korath, hai and bunrodea (for more quality and consistency)
proofreading and minor text changes (Vemenous-Repentile)
added 5 successor experts
added 5 gegno experts
changed mission chance from 3% to 1%
halfed most stats
added option to decline the hiring, they will be offered later again
fixed human experts showing the image name as race
generated 40 new human portraits
generated 15 alien portraits
added 5 Saryd experts
added 5 Arachi experts
added 5 Kimek experts
added mission after collecting all crew members
changed outfit descriptions to show race and source
changed chance from 5% to 3%
generated 25 alien portraits
added 5 Hai experts
added 5 Bunrodea experts
added 5 Wanderer experts
added 5 Korath experts
added 5 Remnant experts
added plugin.txt
spread the missions over human space, 5 missions for each area
changed mission chance to 5%
added icons to the missions
reworked files
added 20 more crew members
initial release
free.worlds.5.years.later.zip | 30.62 kb | 2024-04-06 | view files | view images [1]
Lets the free world war begin 5 years later. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### free.worlds.5.years.later
Lets the free world war begin 5 years later.
- changes event "war begins" from 4 7 3014 to 4 7 3019
- changes event "initial deployment 1" from 24 7 3014 to 24 7 3019
- changes event "initial deployment 2" from 14 8 3014 to 14 8 3019
- changes event "initial deployment 3" from 29 8 3014 to 29 8 3019
- changes event "initial deployment 4" from 17 9 3014 to 17 9 3019
added plugin.txt
galactic.capital.investment.zip | 2.0 mb | 2024-10-29 | view files | view images [16]
Implements a short mission chain that enables repeatable job board investment opportunities which result in small daily income. Available in human, quarg and hai space starting with 2 million credits cash and going up to 1000 million credits. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### galactic.capital.investment
Implements a short mission chain that enables repeatable job board investment opportunities which result in small daily income. Available in human, quarg and hai space starting with 2 million credits cash and going up to 1000 million credits.
There are missions for 1 million, 5 million, 10 million, 50 million, 100 million and 1 billion credits. The chance for the jobs to appear on the job board getting lower with the amount to invest.
At 1 billion credits a longer mission chain starts and enables a reapeatable job board investment of 1 billion credits. The chain has some breaks and finish after a year.
1 million = 600 credits daily (60% chance)
5 million = 3,400 credits daily (50% chance)
10 million = 7,200 credits daily (40% chance)
50 million = 37,000 credits daily (30% chance)
100 million = 76,100 credits daily (20% chance)
1 billion = 2 million credits daily (2% chance)
These investments pay off after 2.3 to 4.5 years. Higher investments pay off faster.
fixed wrong outfitter at planet Sapphire
added @2x images
renamed files to be unique
removed the need to land on the same planet after accepting an investment job
text corrections
text corrections (thx to TheGiraffe3)
removed duplicate pngs
resized land jpg
fixed some errors
changed scene pngs to jpg
changed icon
added 5 new conversation scenes
added 9-mission-chain to get credits for a planet colonization
added unique trophy outfit at the end of the chain
added a new rare repeatable job after the colonization chain
added plugin.txt
added pirate planets as mission source
moved investment missions from spaceport mission to job board
gegno.pirates.zip | 238.14 kb | 2024-10-29 | view files | view images [7]
Adds a new faction of Gegno pirates which lets you capture Gegno ships, gain Gegno/Scin/Vi reputation, open their planets for travel, loot Gegno licenses and create an outfitter/shipyard for all their gear. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### gegno.pirates
Adds a new faction of Gegno pirates which lets you capture Gegno ships, gain Gegno/Scin/Vi reputation, open their planets for travel, loot Gegno licenses and create an outfitter/shipyard for all their gear.
The new government "Gegno Pirates" inhabit the new System "Zaron"(between Huud, Vesvii and Cotpoxi). The surrounding systems, up to 3 jumps away, have new pirate fleets.
Killing pirates and assisting Gegno/Scin/Vi gives reputation now. The needed reputation to land on the Gegno planets got changed to higher values. Killing like 80 Gegno pirates should allow you to land on all Gegno planets and use their shipyards and outfitters.
Boarding Gegno Pirates gives you a 5% chance to obtain one of the 8 Gegno licenses.
After gaining full reputation for all planets and obtaining all Gegno licenses you get a mission to a new system with all outfitters/shipyards centralized.
Warning: As soon as new Gegno story content is added to the base game, it is highly advised to remove this plugin and/or do a new playthrough. If not, the new story missions, which are probably based on reputation, won't appear in the planned order. If you want to keep your save you have to remove this plugin and edit your savegame. To do so ... open your savegame and find the lines with the different Gegno reputations looking like the following lines and change the values to 0.
Gegno 5544.86
"Gegno Pirates" -4871.9
"Gegno Scin" 517.5
"Gegno Scin (Neutral)" 517.5
"Gegno Vi" 517.5
"Gegno Vi (Duelist A)" 0
"Gegno Vi (Duelist B)" 0
"Gegno Vi (Neutral)" 517.5
then find the position where the licenses are saved, looking like this:
"Gegno Civilian"
"Gegno Driller"
Remove the 8 lines containing: "Gegno Civilian" "Gegno Driller" "Scin Adjutant" "Scin Architect "Scin Hoplologist" "Vi Centurion" "Vi Evocati" "Vi Lord". Save it and then you are ready to start the new Gegno storylines as planned.
added ship Rhyolite to sale
fixed missing hyperlink from asio to uuba (thx isaias for reporting)
adjustments and fixes
adjustments and fixes
compatibility fix in missions
adjustments and fixes
added plugin removal guide to the readme
added several missions
added new planet with all outfits/ships for easier browsing
adjustments and fixes
added different license pngs
added missing outfits and ships
initial release
hai.side.mission.unlocker.zip | 32.52 kb | 2024-09-06 | view files | view images [1]
Unlocks following hai missions: Unwanted Cargo Trigger, Hiding in Plain Sight, Nanachi 1,Expanding Business [1] and Hai Reveal: Pirate Troubles [0]. If there are followups they work too. Also Devil-Run related systems are shown now. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### hai.side.mission.unlocker
Unlocks following hai missions: Unwanted Cargo Trigger, Hiding in Plain Sight, Nanachi 1, Expanding Business [1] and Hai Reveal: Pirate Troubles [0]. If there are followups they work too. Also Devil-Run related systems are shown now.
Currently these missions are either completely blocked or blocked after you start chapter 1 of hai reveal. This plugin fixes that.
mission "Unwanted Cargo Trigger" (removed secret leaks)
mission "Unwanted Cargo" (removed secret leaks)
mission "Hiding in Plain Sight" (removed secret leaks & resolution)
mission "Nanachi 1" (removed secret leaks & resolution) followups are ok
mission "Expanding Business [1]" (removed resolution) followups are ok
mission "Hai Reveal: Pirate Troubles [0]" (Scars Legion cut out of campaign)
Also removes the hidden tag from system Devil-Run. It can be found near the core and opens the path to the Deep Space systems and the Devil-Hide system via wormhole.
And removes hidden tag from "Devil-Hide" and "Al Hurr", both Hai Reveal systems.
removed HR status message from Pirate Troubles [1]
disabled the original missions, instead of a workaround
merged this plugin with the plugin devil-run.unhidden
bug fixes
initial release
human.labels.zip | 338.79 kb | 2024-07-13 | view files | view images [74]
Reworks the Human area labels and adds area borders. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### human.labels
Reworks the Human area labels and adds area borders. See the readme for details.
The area labels of Human space are now smaller and better to see. Also there is a border drawn around each area.
On Earth's job board you can find a mission to change the color of the labels(light blue, light gray, yellow, dark red, green, dark gray, orange, purple).
corrected script error
text correction
added 4 more label colors to choose of (green, dark gray, orange, purple)
added 3 more label colors to choose of (light blue, light gray, dark red)
added job on Earth to change the label colors
initial release
jump.gates.zip | 1.24 mb | 2024-12-12 | view files | view images [24]
Adds a ring of "jump gates" at the borders of human space to create shortcuts inside human space. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### jump.gates
Adds a ring of "jump gates" at the borders of Human space to create shortcuts inside the Human space.
A month after the game starts, the player gets a spaceport info mission about a new discovered technology, that enables the building of jump gates (if your savegame is beyond that point, this info mission starts on the next planet landing). Over the next 5 months there are regularly spaceport info missions telling you things about how far the process of building these gates has come. At the end of this period all jump gates have been built and are usable.
These jump gates are technically just wormholes with new sprites. The jump gate ring around human space is made of two gates in every of these systems: Naos (Deep) - Spica (Dirt Belt) - Alniyat (South) - Tarazed (South) - Sheratan (Core) - Alnitak (North) and from there back to Naos. Two gates, so you can move forward and backward on the ring.
fixed error
initial release
text corrections (thx to TheGiraffe3)
kestrel.unlocks.zip | 6.64 kb | 2024-08-18 | view files | view images [1]
Unlocks all Kestrel variants after you have unlocked the first one. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### kestrel.unlocks
Unlocks all Kestrel variants after you have unlocked the first one.
After completing the Kestrel mission chain, every 30 days a new variant is unlocked and you get notified about that. If you activate this plugin after you have already completed the missions, the 30 days timer starts from then.
initial release
kor.efret.shipyard.zip | 30.38 kb | 2024-11-04 | view files | view images [1]
Adds a shipyard with the three Kor Efret ships to Laki Nemparu(Kashikt) in Kor Efret space. Also adds an outfitter with all outfits of these three ships and some Korath Exiles outfits. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### kor.efret.shipyard
Adds a shipyard with the three Kor Efret ships to Laki Nemparu(Kashikt) in Kor Efret space. Also adds an outfitter with all outfits of these three ships and some Korath Exiles outfits.
Available ships:
- Arch-Carrack
- Charm-Shallop
- Echo-Galleon
Available outfits:
- "Cluster Mine Rack"
- "Cluster Mine"
- "Piercer Missile Rack"
- "Piercer Missile"
- "Firestorm Torpedo Rack"
- "Firestorm Torpedo"
- "Firelight Storage Rack"
- "Firelight Missile"
- Digger Mining Beam
- Banisher Grav-Turret
- Warder Anti-Missile
- Grab-Strike Turret
- Fuel Processor
- Small Heat Shunt
- Large Heat Shunt
- Liquid Sodium Cooler
- Scram Drive
- System Core (Large)
- System Core (Medium)
- System Core (Small)
- System Core (Tiny)
- Plasma Core
- Double Plasma Core
- Triple Plasma Core
- Afterburner (Asteroid Class)
- Afterburner (Comet Class)
- Afterburner (Lunar Class)
- Afterburner (Planetary Class)
- Afterburner (Stellar Class)
- Generator (Furnace Class)
- Generator (Candle Class)
- Generator (Inferno Class)
- Farves GP Hybrid Thruster
- Gaktem GP Hybrid Steering
- Gaktem GP Hybrid Thruster
- Nelmeb GP Hybrid Steering
- Nelmeb GP Hybrid Thruster
- Engine (Meteor Class)
- Bow Drive (Meteor Class)
- Reverser (Asteroid Class)
- Reverser (Comet Class)
- Reverser (Lunar Class)
- Reverser (Planetary Class)
- Reverser (Stellar Class)
- Thruster (Asteroid Class)
- Thruster (Comet Class)
- Thruster (Lunar Class)
- Thruster (Planetary Class)
- Thruster (Stellar Class)
- Steering (Asteroid Class)
- Steering (Comet Class)
- Steering (Lunar Class)
- Steering (Planetary Class)
- Steering (Stellar Class)
- Thermal Repeater Rifle
added korath ammunition (thx to MeretiJane)
added System Core (Tiny), (thx timeout.fu)
added plugin.txt
added 28 korath outfits(no weapons)
added new icon.png
reworked readme
landing.images.zip | 15.32 mb | 2024-10-06 | view files | view images [526]
Replaces all planet landing images with better fitting ones. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### landing.images
Replaces all planet landing images with better fitting ones.
These images replace the boring vanilla images you see when you've landed on a planet with new, AI generated, better fitting ones. The old ones look like photos from earth or taken from public NASA archives(which they are). According to the description of the planets I tried to generate better fitting, more futuristic, more alien-looking images. And I think that went well :)
0.10.8 with 472 planets
See all images here.
added 53 landing images for 0.10.9 update
initial release
landing.images.android.zip | 32.09 kb | 2024-08-07 | view files | view images [2]
Moves the landing image above the textbox, instead of behind the textbox (for ES mobile). See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### landing.images.android
Moves the landing image above the textbox, instead of behind the textbox (for ES mobile).
In case parts of the UI/the buttons are outside the screen, try rescaling your UI in the ES options
If that doesn't help, open the zip, edit 'landing.images.android/data/interface.txt' and change line 2 to 7 to:
image "land" center -60 -150 dimensions 250 135 sprite "ui/frame" center -60 -150 dimensions 265 150
That resizes the landing image and the frame to their half.
minor text changes (thx to TheGiraffe3)
added a frame for the image
finetuned position
added hire all/fire all buttons which were missing (thx timeout.fu)
added guide to resize the image (thx Pyrrha of simpleplanes)
initial release
landing.images.highres.zip | 67.11 mb | 2024-10-06 | view files | view images [526]
High resolution files for landing.images plugin. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### landing.images.highres
High resolution files for landing.images plugin.
Adds images with 1440x720 resolution. The landing.images plugin is still needed.
added 53 landing images for 0.10.9 update
minor text changes (thx to TheGiraffe3)
initial release
more.arfectas.zip | 30.79 kb | 2024-04-15 | view files | view images [1]
Adds the new system 'Mego Pug', in eastern Bunrodea space. There you can farm rare spawning Arfectas and other more common Pug ships, without ruining your Pug reputation. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### more.arfectas
Adds the new system 'Mego Pug', in eastern Bunrodea space. There you can farm rare spawning Arfectas and other more common Pug ships, without ruining your Pug reputation.
Added a new system, with new government "Pug Farm" and 3 new fleets. Two fleets are like the ones in 'Pug Iyek' and the third, rare spawning one, has 1 arfecta. It spawns within 15000 frames(~4 minutes).
moved the system to eastern Bunrodea territory
renamed the system, adjusted objects, added a planet
made them hostile at first contact
added a warning mission on system entering
added support for more.boarding.missions
added plugin.txt
more.boarding.missions.zip | 1.4 mb | 2024-05-08 | view files | view images [25]
Adds lots of repeatable boarding and assisting missions for different factions. Boarding bigger ships give higher rewards or higher chances for credits or special items. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### more.boarding.missions
Adds 87 repeatable boarding and assisting missions. Boarding/assisting Free Worlds, Republic, Syndicate, Militia, Merchant, Independent, Pirates, Korath, Hai, Hai Unfettered, Pug, Pug (Wanderer), Wanderer, Ka'het, Remnant, Gegno Vi and Gegno Scin can trigger them. Bigger ships give higher rewards.
Only natural spawning ships can trigger these missions and ships spawned from jobs/missions or marauder hunting fleets doesn't trigger. Remnant assisting chances and Ka'het boarding chances are so high, cause of the rarity to find a boardable ship.
- 7 Gegno Scin assisting missions (by ship categories, 20% chance, 14.000 to 50.000 credits)
- 7 Gegno Vi assisting missions (by ship categories, 20% chance, 16.000 to 50.000 credits)
- 7 Hai assisting missions (by ship categories, 20% chance, 20.000 to 60.000 credits)
- 5 Hai Unfettered assisting missions (by ship categories, 20% chance, 30.000 to 90.000 credits)
- 5 Hai Unfettered boarding missions (by ship categories, 10% chance, 30.000 to 90.000 credits)
- 3 Hai Unfettered boarding missions (by reward, 3% chance, outfit one of the 3 weapon prototypes)
- 7 Human assisting missions (by ship categories, 20% chance, 10.000 to 30.000 credits)
- 7 Human boarding missions (by ship categories, 20% chance, 10.000 to 30.000 credits)
- 3 Ka'het boarding missions (by ship categories, 25-35% chance, 150.000 to 250.000 credits)
- 2 Korath boarding missions (for the bigger ship categories, 15% chance, 20.000 to 30.000 credits)
- 2 Korath boarding missions (for the bigger ship categories, 2-3% chance, outfit "Cloaking Device")
- 7 Pirate boarding missions (by ship categories, 20% chance, 5.000 to 25.000 credits)
- 4 Pirate boarding missions (by ship categories, 1-4% chance, outfit "NDR-114 Android")
- 3 Pug boarding missions (by ship categories, 10% chance, 100.000 to 200.000 credits)
- 3 Pug boarding missions (by ship categories, 1-3% chance, new outfit "Pug War Staff")
- 7 Remnant assisting missions (by ship categories, 50% chance, 20.000 to 100.000 credits)
- 1 Remnant assisting missions (10% chance, outfit "Void Rifle")
- 7 Wanderer assisting missions (by ship categories, 10% chance, 50.000 to 100.000 credits)
- support for plugin more.arfectas(6 pug farm boarding missions)
fixed hai assisting to include "Hai Merchant" "Hai Merchant (Sympathizers)" "Hai Merchant (Human)"
added 7 human boarding missions
modified 3 vanilla boarding conversations to add image
fixed error on human Independent assisting missions
added 2 korath boarding missions for credits
added 7 remnant assisting missions for credits
added 1 remnant assisting missions for outfit void rifle
added 3 Ka'het boarding missions
added 23 scene images, boarding looks great now
added support for plugin more.arfectas
reorganized/renamed files(delete old files on update)
added 7 Gegno Scin assisting mission
added 7 Gegno Vi assisting mission
added color changed outfit png for pug war staff
added plugin.txt
added 7 wanderer assisting missions (credits)
added 3 pug boarding missions (credits)
added 3 pug boarding missions (outfit)
added new outfit "Pug War Staff"
added 5 hai unfettered assisting missions (credits)
added 5 hai unfettered boarding missions (credits)
added 3 hai unfettered boarding missions (outfit)
added "Merchant" and "Independent" to human assisting missions
added 2 korath boarding missions (outfit)
added 4 pirate boarding missions (outfit)
added icon and reworked readme
more.person.ships.zip | 4.6 mb | 2024-10-15 | view files | view images [31]
This plugin adds more person ships to the different regions of the galaxy. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### more.person.ships
This plugin adds more person ships.
I renamed my plugin pirate.warlords and added more person ships.
These ships have a frequency of 1000, are all captureable and currently there are 8 persons.
List of new person ships:
North Pirate Warlord | Human northern pirate territory | Modified Bactrian
Core Pirate Warlord | Human core pirate territory | Modified Bactrian
South Pirate Warlord | Human southern pirate territory | Modified Bactrian
The Emperor | Unfettered Hai territory | Emperor Beetle (unused vanilla ship)(@2x in official hdpi plugin)
Eco-One | Human territory | Eco (new ship)
Explorer Corps | Human territory | 3xBadger (new ship)
Coinin Tapa | east of Gegno territory| Coinin (new ship with new outfits)
Sesk Lem | Korath territory | Ikatila'ej (new ship, vanilla sprites)(@2x in official hdpi plugin)
Planet Express | everywhere | Old Bessie (new ship, stats by timeout.fu)
added Futurama person ship (thx timeout.fu for stats and texts)
added status mission to Earth
added person Sesk Lem
added person Coinin Tapa
renamed plugin from pirate.warlords to more.person.ships
changed mass and drag to rebalanced values
added person The Emperor
added person Eco-One
added person Explorer Corps
initial release
navy.licenses.zip | 433.76 kb | 2024-11-10 | view files | view images [5]
Adds a mission on Stormhold (Alcyone system) which leads you to Geminus (Castor system) to buy the four Navy licenses. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### navy.licenses
Adds a mission on Stormhold (Alcyone system) which leads you to Geminus (Castor system) to buy the four Navy licenses.
The mission can get started with 550,000 credits cash available. You have to pay 50,000 credits for making the contact and 500,000 credits for each of the four licenses.
If you reject the mission, you can restart it on other visits. Also not buying all licenses lets the buying mission on Geminus restart on other landings (until all are bought).
You get the following licenses: Navy license, Navy Auxiliary license, Navy Cruiser license, Navy Carrier license.
corrected scene size
added @2x images
text corrections (thx to TheGiraffe3)
added 2 scene images
added the option to buy single licenses
initial release
no.more.mereti.mines.zip | 81.6 kb | 2024-09-06 | view files | view images [3]
Removes the mines from Mereti ships and replaces them with Husk-Slice and Shield Disruptor guns, as well as Heat Shunts to increase game performance. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### no.more.mereti.mines
Removes the mines from Mereti ships and replaces them with Mereti-typical guns to increase game performance.
Replaces Cluster Mine Layer, Cluster Mine Racks and Cluster Mines with Husk-Slice and Shield Disruptor guns, and if need be Heat Shunts, on Model 16/32/64/128/256/512. For every removed mine layer guns and heat shunts got added. That increases game performance in mass fights, like in Mesuket system.
Added bunrodean swarm pods change by timeout.fu. Now it fires less, but with more damage.br>
fixed weapon space bug of Model 256
added shield disruptor guns (by Darcy Manoel) and heat shunts to the Mereti ships
added better performance to bunrodea swarm pods (by timeout.fu)
initial release
outfits.weapon.slot.zip | 885.35 kb | 2024-08-30 | view files | view images [27]
Adds several non-weapon outfits for gun and turret ports. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### outfits.weapon.slot
Adds several non-weapon outfits for gun and turret ports. See the README for details.
These outfits use an empty gun or turret port and add stats like fuel, cargo, bunks etc.
Half the outfits are designed by timeout.fu and he did an overall balancing of all outfits (thx).
Currently there are 7 gun port outfits and 6 turret port outfits. Available on Glaze, Valhalla, Wayfarer, Luna and Sunracer.
initial release
paint.your.ships.zip | 134.3 kb | 2024-09-06 | view files | view images [3]
Offers a job on Earth to paint your ships. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### paint.your.ships
Offers a job on Earth to paint your ships.
There are already like five plugins that change the swizzle color, but this one has the colors displayed ingame (image by amazinite).
initial release
planet.map.zip | 5.0 mb | 2024-12-12 | view files | view images [34]
Planetary map travelling concept : Land on Memory, visit the outfitter and follow the small story line. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### planet.map
Planetary map travelling concept : Land on Memory, visit the outfitter and follow the small story line.
This is just a proof of concept of an idea by Epsil-Astra.
Basically a planet in a starsystem is a wormhole to a starsystem with changed background, to look like a ground map. The planets there look like cities. The galaxy background is a single whole planet. It simulates travelling on a planet you've landed on. Other starsystems act as different bioms, like forest, desert, sea.
A small storyline got added.
As in the spirit of Epsil-Astra, feel free to modify/use this plugin for your own content creation.
fixed error
removed the start
adjustments and finetuning
added new map locations (4 'areas', 3 'cities')
added 9 new landing images
added 7 scene images
added 6 standard jobs
added a repeatable local fauna defense mission
fixes and adjustments
added galaxy planet
added 4 new locations, with 2 new backgrounds
initial release
planet.pluto.zip | 219.8 kb | 2024-12-12 | view files | view images [5]
Adds Pluto and Charon to the Sol system, including a heartbreaking background story. (by timeout.fu)
π Plugin readme
### planet.pluto
Adds Pluto and Charon to the Sol system, including a heartbreaking background story.
initial release
quarg.farm.zip | 26.82 kb | 2024-10-06 | view files | view images [1]
Adds a new system "Saquerver" (between human and coalition space) where you can farm a new Quarg faction. Also the death sentence from all other Quarg got removed. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### quarg.farm
Adds a new system "Saquerver" (between human and coalition space) where you can farm a new Quarg faction. Also the death sentence from all other Quarg got removed.
The system "Saquerver" lies between "Serquergen" and "Ablub". The usual-sized Quarg fleets spawn there. Killing/plundering them doesn't make the other Quarg angry. Landing on the other Quarg faction's worlds doesn't end with a death sentence when you have their ships/outfits.
removed death sentence from government "Quarg (Incipias)"
initial release
show.reputation.zip | 40.71 kb | 2024-11-02 | view files | view images [3]
Enables a job on every planet's job board, that shows the reputation values. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### show.reputation
Enables a job on every planet's job board, that shows the reputation values.
Accept the job and the reputations conversation pops up. Then you can choose between viewing the 35 most useful or all.
python script to generate the plugin
added 0.10.9 govs
changed to show on job accept instead of landing
added option to show all rep values or just the 35 most useful
changed to better reputation handling (thx to zoura for the tip)
initial release
snowfeather.robotics.zip | 1.74 mb | 2024-11-09 | view files | view images [21]
Adds three missions that lead to adding androids to the outfitter on Snowfeather(Hai space). Starts on Snowfeather(Bore Fah) when having at least one android installed. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### snowfeather.robotics
Adds three missions that lead to adding androids to the outfitter on Snowfeather(Hai space).
Starts on Snowfeather(Bore Fah) when having at least one android installed.
To get an android, which is needed to start this plugin, do the remnant mission 'shattered light 4'. Alternatively my plugin 'more.boarding.missions' gives androids as rare reward for boarding pirates.
The new buyable worker androids are twice as expensive as the original ones, and pay off after like 4 years. Also 6 fighting androids are added, technically they are h2h outfits (with attack/defense 2/2, 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12). To keep all androids close a new outfit category "Androids" was made.
corrected scene size
added @2x images
added 6 combat androids
added new outfit category "Androids"
changed worker android image to fit to the new androids
change scene png to jpg
added a new scene image
changed icon
added new android outfit png
added 2 scenes to the missions
lowered wait time from 60 to 30 days
added plugin.txt
removed remnant mission requirement
space.fauna.zip | 1.67 mb | 2024-05-03 | view files | view images [17]
Adds space fauna fleets to all systems. Useless but pretty, to make the universe more alive. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### space.fauna
Adds space fauna fleets to all systems. Useless but pretty, to make the universe more alive.
There are 14 different organisms, 1 titan-sized, 3 superheavy-sized, 4 heavy-sized, 6 medium-sized. They are coming in fleet sized from 1 to 5 and aren't capturable/plunderable. There are 4 Hive planets around the galaxy, with increased spawn rates and a "queen". Uninhabited systems have a higher spawn chance than inhabited systems.
added a titan-sized "queen" to each hive system(permanent mission npcs)
changed gun ports positions, amounts and damage
added short range weapon
added 3 organisms
initial release
too.many.asteroids.zip | 18.88 kb | 2024-09-29 | view files | view images [1]
Removes all non-mineable asteroids from all systems. Mineable asteroids and asteroid belts are untouched. Increases game performance. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### too.many.asteroids
Removes all non-mineable asteroids from all systems. Mineable asteroids and asteroid belts are untouched.
Increases game performance.
Every of the 604 base game systems (0.10.9) is edited via a remove command for full compatibility with other system altering plugins. A total of 2788 asteroid entries got removed.
In case I don't update this plugin to the newest game version, a python script for generating an updated plugin can be found here.
added the 0.10.9 systems
text corrections (thx to TheGiraffe3)
updated to 0.10.7
added the 0.10.5 systems
added plugin.txt
added new icon.png
reworked readme
removed py script
updated to 0.10.1
added a python script which generates the asteroids.txt(in case I don't update this mod, everyone can do it in no time.)
tribute.republic.zip | 22.07 kb | 2024-08-17 | view files | view images [1]
Allows you to tribute all Republic planets, without losing Free Worlds or Deep Security reputation. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### tribute.republic
Allows you to tribute all Republic planets, without losing Free Worlds or Deep Security reputation.
This plugin replaces Militia and Deep Security defense fleets of all hostile Republic planets (during the Free Worlds war), with Republic fleets.
To prevent mission-related changes overwriting this plugin, activate it, when you are ready to tribute the Republic planets. When you are done, you can deactivate it again, if you want.
added Wayfarer and Arachne Station
initial release
uniques.zip | 9.61 mb | 2024-11-11 | view files | view images [147]
Removes mass and outfit space from some uniques, puts others into unique category, or gives a png if there isn't one. Also adds lots of new uniques. See the README for details.
π Plugin readme
### uniques
Removes mass and outfit space from some uniques, puts others into unique category, or gives a png if there isn't one. Also adds lots of new uniques.
Uniques are great! Why aren't more ingame?
This plugin contains my former plugins unique.fix (just some vanilla unique adjustments), real.fluff (10 unique pets) and lots of new uniques with storylines.
- Removes mass and outfit space from the cloaking device
- Removes mass and outfit space from outskirts gauger and puts it in unique category
- Gives outfit '"Puny"' a picture and puts it into pets category
- Gives outfit 'Antigrav Glass' a picture and puts it into unique category
- Puts outfit 'Mug' into unique category
- rewrote Skadenga book mission, so you can buy the unique book
- rewrote Wanderer and Remnant missions for human cultural archive, so you get the unique archive chip
- unique pet, "Xenomorph" (land somewhere in human space, hidden destination is Danoa system (based on the Alien movies))
- unique pet, "The Exotic" (land somewhere in human space, hidden destination is Unagi system (based on the Dark Star movie))
- unique pet, Cat "Cleo" (Deadman's Cove, 20% chance)
- unique pet, Ferret "Gummi Bear" (Bivrost, 20% chance)
- unique pet, Hamster "Peanut" (Twinstar, 20% chance)
- unique pet, Koala "Archie" (New Portland, 20% chance)
- unique pet, Ocelot "Babou" (Farpoint, 20% chance, needs 1000 combat rating)
- unique pet, Rabbit "Thumper" (Starcross, 20% chance)
- unique pet, Raccoon "Bandit" (Foundry, 20% chance)
- unique pet, Squirrel "Trixie" (Heartvalley, 20% chance)
- new unique, "Bawdy Magazines" (during "The Exotic" mission)
- new unique, "Glass Cat" (after collecting all pets)
- new unique, "Bioluminescent Plant" (Aesila, 10% chance)
- new unique, "Bioluminiscent Offspring" (plant followup)
- new unique, "Bio Reactor" (plant followup)
- new unique, "Spaceship Figurine" (Sunracer, 3% chance)
- new unique, "Alien Handgun" (Alix, 10% chance)
- new unique, "Quantum Ring" (Charon Station, 3% chance)
- new unique, "Old Whisky Bottles" (Socket, 10% chance)
- new unique, "Scanning Computer" (Overseer, 10% chance)
- new unique, "Hai Survival Rations" (Hai space, 3% chance)
- new unique, "Piloting For Dummies" (Paradise worlds, 3% chance)
- new unique, "External Holo Emitter" (Luna, 6% chance)
- new unique, "Toby the Teddy Bear" (Featherweight, 3% chance)
- new unique, "Toolbox" (Clark, 3% chance)
- new unique, "Korath Pillow" (Laki Nemparu, 3% chance)
- new unique, "Gegno Starmap" (Wye Tzeou, 10% chance)
- new unique, "Nav Buoys" (human outfitter, after discovered shrouded systems, 10% chance)
vanilla uniques
added uniques
fixed error
added nav buoys unique
renamed nostromo and dark star ship types, because of a conflict with midnight plugins (thx timeout.fu)
removed forgotten test outfitter from earth
added 2 new holo emitter missions (Snowfeather, Earth)
merged plugin with real.fluff
added @2x images for real.fluff
fixed skadenga and human archive missions pops up a second time
rewrote skadenga book mission, so you can buy the unique book
rewrote wanderer and remnant mission for cultural archive, so you get the unique chip
added toby the teddy bear unique
added toolbox unique
added korath pillow unique
added gegno starmap unique
added bioluminescent offspring and bio reactor uniques, and more missions
renamed plugin from "unique.fix" to "uniques"
gave Antigrav Glass a sprite and moved it to unique
added bioluminescent plant unique, and a new planet
added spaceship figurine unique
added alien handgun unique
added quantum ring unique
added old whisky bottles unique, and a new planet
added scanning computer unique, and a new planet
added hai survival rartions
added piloting for dummies
added external holo emitter and 8 advertising missions
changed Puny png to ai generated
removed mug image, because it got added in 0.10.5
changed puny image to a poodle and added high res image
added plugin.txt
added 'Mug' to unique category and added a portrait
changed puny portrait
changed icon.png