Custom CNI binaries do not survive CNI plugin updates #107
With #96 merged, any changes to the CNI plugin version will unintentionally drop any additional CNI binaries that have been deploy.
This is not a massive issue, as network overlays and tooling will deploy the binaries themselves if missing, as long as they implement the official Kubernetes requirements at least.
It may cause interruptions though for services that attempt to start between the version change and the next time the overlay reconciles, so it'd be good to keep the custom binaries between updates.
Could possibly be done with an exec if no other - better - solution comes to mind, i.e. something like; (with the correct version numbers of course)
exec { 'Copy custom CNI binaries':
command => "cp --no-clobber /opt/k8s/cni-v1.1.0/* /opt/k8s/cni-v1.2.0/",
path => $facts['path'],
require => Archive['cni-plugins'],