Dollar_Drop is a simple program capable of finding retail arbitrage oppurtunities in a specific, unnamed, low priced department store. Any implied affiliations with said store are purely coincidental, and no relationship exists between the creators of this program and this hypothetical department store.
This program is not valid with the following stores:
- Petsmart
- Kmart
- Deal Mart
Nor is it valid with any other stores that share similar endings or pronounciation.
- Literally every single feature is new
If you're making commits to this repo:
- re.sub(r'\d+', '', 'D130O N12OT 31U31S32E 7RE890G8E899X')
- 'Do Not' + re.sub(r'\d+', '',' 08I3M1PO13R1T R31E8G0E809X2')
Each Wal-Mart store should reflect the values of its customers and support the vision they hold for their community.
~ Sam Walton of the Walmart Family Empire (Any implied relation is purely coincidental)
Dollar_Drop uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Literally only Python
Dollar_Drop requires you to clone this repo to run.
Individually go through and pip install everything or make a Requirements.txt and commit it to the repo
You'll need to first install Python and add it to your system path
Clone or download this Repo by either running
git clone
or by downloading it from Github directroy. I HIGHLY recommend downloading it using the Git command, as it allows you to update the repository with a single line of code.
Afterwards, try to run:
pip freeze
And if an error is returned you will need to install python-pip on your system by downloading and running
You can exit out of this terminal, and open up a new terminal inside of the dollar_drop directory.
After this, you'll need to install all of the python modules this package depends on. You can either do it manually or you can run
pip install -r requirements.txt
After all the requirements are installed, you'll need to start up the flask server by running
Afterwards, open up a web browser and go to
You can also access this site on any computer that is connected to your network by accessing http://YOURIPADDRESS:8000 from another computer.
You can find your local IP address by running
$ #Don't
$ #Use
$ #Regex