export SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET={abcabcabcabcabcbabc}
export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN={xoxb-1234123412-123412341212-abcabcabc}
./gradlew clean run
# runs at localhost:8080
docker build -t your-repo/hello-bolt .
docker run \
-p 8080:8080 -it your-repo/hello-bolt
# runs at localhost:8080
$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region ap-northeast-1) # set your region
docker build -t hello-bolt .
docker tag hello-bolt:latest {ecr-domain}.amazonaws.com/hello-bolt:latest
docker push {ecr-domain}.amazonaws.com/hello-bolt:latest
Plus, you need to create a valid Task Definition.
- Fargate
- Container Definitions
- Image - {ecr-domain}.amazonaws.com/hello-bolt:latest
- Environment Variables
- SLACK_BOT_TOKEN - (your value starting
) - SLACK_PORT - 80 (or port mapping with 8080)
- SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET - (your value)
- SLACK_BOT_TOKEN - (your value starting
export GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID={something-great-12345}
export SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET={abcabcabcabcabcbabc}
export SLACK_BOT_TOKEN={xoxb-1234123412-123412341212-abcabcabc}
# Build and upload a Docker image
gcloud config set project ${GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID}
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/${GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID}/hello-bolt
# Deploy the image to Cloud Run
gcloud config set run/region asia-northeast1 # set your region here
gcloud beta run deploy hello-bolt \
--image gcr.io/${GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID}/hello-bolt \
--platform managed \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--update-env-vars \