IAuditLoggingBuilder Extension Methods Explained/Examples Pleaseย #11
Hi @skoruba
Are you able to provide some additional explanation with regard to the following Extension Methods of the IAuditLoggingBuilder. Many of the Methods are self explanatory
I'm happy to contribute to the project in any way I can.
AddDefaultEventAction(this IAuditLoggingBuilder builder);
Not Sure what this does - omitting this from the builder event seemingly had no effect. Nor did setting UseDefaultAction to false as per below. The "Action" property of the AuditEvent was always populated with the same data.
options =>
options.UseDefaultSubject = false;
options.UseDefaultAction = false;
AddDefaultEventData(this IAuditLoggingBuilder builder);
No discernible difference when added or omitted
AddDefaultEventSubject(this IAuditLoggingBuilder builder);
No discernible difference when added or omitted. Also setting options.UseDefaultSubject = false;
has not effect.
AddEventData<TEventSubject, TEventAction>(this IAuditLoggingBuilder builder)
where TEventSubject : class, IAuditSubject
where TEventAction : class, IAuditAction;
No Idea
FYI This project looks perfect for my requirements. I've been able to deploy a custom sink which publishes to a MessageQueue (RabbitMQ) and then in another Microservice I subscribe to the message queue and persist them to a SQL Database.