❌ NOTICE: This project is no longer maintained. Please see the more robust cookiecutter version here ❌
Small base project I use to build and deploy fastapi backends..batteries included. Basically a stripped down version of this and this repo...with some extra bells and whistles.
- Docker Compose integration and optimization for local development.
- Production ready Python web server using Uvicorn
- Python FastAPI backend:
- Fast: Very high performance, on par with NodeJS and Go (thanks to Starlette and Pydantic).
- Intuitive: Great editor support. Completion everywhere. Less time debugging.
- Easy: Designed to be easy to use and learn. Less time reading docs.
- Short: Minimize code duplication. Multiple features from each parameter declaration.
- Robust: Get production-ready code. With automatic interactive documentation.
- Standards-based: Based on (and fully compatible with) the open standards for APIs: OpenAPI and JSON Schema.
- Many other features including automatic validation, serialization, interactive documentation, authentication with OAuth2 JWT tokens, etc.
- SQLModel Library for interacting with SQL databases from Python code, with Python objects. It is designed to be intuitive, easy to use, highly compatible, and robust
- CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing).
- NGINX High Performance Load Balancer, Web Server, & Reverse Proxy
- Let's Encrypt A free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), provided by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG)...with automatic cert renewal.
- PostgresSQL Powerfull open source object-relational database
- AsyncPG Database interface library designed specifically for PostgreSQL and Python/asyncio.
- Redis In-memory data structure store, used as a distributed, in-memory key–value database, cache and message broker.
git clone https://github.com/nickatnight/fastapi-backend-base.git
cd fastapi-backend-base
mv .env_example .env
docker compose up --build
- visit
for uvicorn server, orhttp://localhost
for nginx proxy
image: your-registry/proxy # OR
context: ./proxy
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
- UPSTREAMS=/:backend:8000
- NGINX_SERVER_NAME=yourservername.com
- CERTBOT_EMAIL=youremail@gmail.com
- DOMAIN_LIST=yourservername.com
- ''
- ''
- proxydata-vol:/etc/letsencrypt
Some of the envrionment variables available:
a comma separated list of <path>:<upstream>:<port>. Each of those of those elements creates a location block with proxy_pass in it.HTTPS_REDIRECT=true
enabled a standard, ELB compliant https redirect.ENABLE_SSL=true
to enable redirects to https from httpNGINX_SERVER_NAME
name of the server and used as path name to store ssl fullchain and privkeyCERTBOT_EMAIL=youremail@gmail.com
the email to register with Certbot.DOMAIN_LIST
domain(s) you are requesting a certificate for.
When SSL is enabled, server will install Cerbot in standalone mode and add a new daily periodic script to /etc/periodic/daily/
to run a cronjob in the background. This allows you to automate cert renewing (every 3 months). See docker-entrypoint for details.
A common scenario is to use an orchestration tool, such as docker swarm, to deploy your containers to the cloud (DigitalOcean).