Mythic Database is precisely that... a database filled with mythic figures, items, and legends.
Right now, MythicDB is a work in early development. And, by early development, read: can we really call a collection of shoddily tossed together Excel spreadsheets a "database"? (Dear DB folks, please don't worry... I know it is. No, it isn't. Yes. No. Stop it!)
- continue compiling terms, authors, works
- update lists
- build website
- build app with the 3400+ mythical terms - searches the web for definition & synopsis, citation(s), URL(s), and modern usage (if applicable, relevant, or possible).
- connect other Excel lists (ancient & modern authors, etc.) to the appropriate citations section of the MythicDB app "display results" page.
- app needs three screens: search, display, contact.
- website needs four pages: home, downloads, contact, terms.
- integrate with (npm, truffle),, and
- integrate with ZEEMZ & PBU, Ethereum, GodsUnchained