Winner of Best AI/ML Implementation at Hack for Humanity 2025!
A modern web application for agricultural monitoring and analysis, combining weather data, soil metrics, disease detection, and yield prediction capabilities powered by artificial intelligence.
- Hack for Humanity 2025
- Winner: Best use of AI/ML
- Placed 14th - 42rd overall
- Participation award
- Real-time weather monitoring
- Soil quality analysis
- Crop distribution visualization
- Agricultural news feed
- Mobile-responsive design
Weather Data
- Temperature and humidity tracking
- Historical weather data visualization
- City-based weather search
- Auto-refresh every 5 minutes
Soil Analysis
- NASA soil data integration
- Moisture levels monitoring
- Temperature tracking
- Multi-depth soil analysis
Disease Detection
- AI-powered plant disease detection
- Image upload capability
- Analysis history tracking
- Real-time disease identification
Yield Prediction
- Crop yield forecasting
- Growth factor analysis
- Location-based predictions
- Recommendation engine
News & Alerts
- Agricultural news aggregation
- Priority-based alert system
- Real-time updates
- Interactive news feed
- CSS3
- JavaScript (Vanilla)
- Chart.js for data visualization
- Responsive design with CSS Grid/Flexbox
- Python
- FastAPI framework
- PyTorch
- Scikit-learn
- Mark Garica Garcia
- Jasper Liu