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Running the Tests

When running the tests, use multiple terminal windows on the computer that will be displaying the images (I used a Mac for these examples; in my descriptions I use the term "Mac" to refer to any Mac or Linux computer, including a Raspbery Pi). One terminal window is used to launch the programs that run on the Mac to receive the images. Another terminal window on the Mac is used to ssh into the Raspberry Pi and run the image sending program. If sending from multiple Raspberry Pis, ssh to each Raspberry Pi in a new terminal window. imageZMQ and its dependencies must be installed on the Mac and on each Raspberry Pi that will be sending images.

There are 3 tests using the REQ/REP ZMQ message pattern. In each test, one program sends images and the other program receives and displays the sent images. Because of the REQ/REP pattern that is being used, it is important that the receiving program be started before the sending program.

Test 1: Simple generated images sent and displayed on the same Mac

The first test runs both the sending program and the receiving program on the Mac. This confirms that all the software is installed correctly and that cv2.imshow() works on the Mac. No camera is involved. The sending program generates and sends a series of test images with a yellow number in a green rectangle on a black background. The yellow number in the first image sent is a "1", then "2", then "3", etc. The images are sent 1 second apart, so the numbers in the cv2.imshow() window change once each second.

First, in one terminal window, activate your virtual environment, then change to the tests directory and run the receiving program, which will receive and display images:

source ~/.venvs/py311cv4/bin/activate # use your virtual environment name
cd imagezmq/tests

Then, in a second terminal window on the same display computer (Mac), change to the tests directory and run the sending program, which will generate and send the test images:

source ~/.venvs/py311cv4/bin/activate # use your virtual environment name
cd imagezmq/tests

After a few seconds, a cv2.imshow() window should open and display a green square on a black background. There will be a yellow number in the green square that will increase (1, 2, ...) once per second until you stop both programs by pressing Ctrl-C. It is normal to get a cascade of error messages when stopping the program with Ctrl-C. This simple test program has no try / except error trapping.

Once you have run the Test 1 programs on a single computer, you should also run the Test 1 programs on 2 different computers. The Mac will receive and display the test images as before. But a different computer, for example, a Raspberry Pi computer, will create and send the test images to the Mac. You will run the program on the Mac without any changes and it will display the incoming images. On the computer that will be sending images, modify the program to use one of connect_to lines that specifies the Mac's tcp address. These are the relevant lines to change:

# uncomment only ONE ImageSender statement for each test; comment out the others
sender = imagezmq.ImageSender()  # will send to localhost on THIS computer

# 2 different ways to specify a different computer that will receive images
# sender = imagezmq.ImageSender(connect_to='tcp://')
# sender = imagezmq.ImageSender(connect_to='tcp://jeff-macbook:5555')

Comment out the sender = imagezmq.ImageSender() line, since it will only work to send images to localhost on the SAME computer. Un-comment one of the 2 lines that specifies the tcp address in the way you prefer. For example, to send images to the Mac using tcp address jeff-macbook, the lines would look like this:

# uncomment only ONE ImageSender statement for each test; comment out the others
# sender = imagezmq.ImageSender()  # will send to localhost on THIS computer

# 2 different ways to specify a different computer that will receive images
# sender = imagezmq.ImageSender(connect_to='tcp://')
sender = imagezmq.ImageSender(connect_to='tcp://jeff-macbook:5555')

First, run the program on the Mac where the images will be displayed. Then run the modified program on the RPi. The test images on the Mac will appear as they did before, but this time they are being sent by the RPi computer. Remember, in all of these test programs, you must start the image receiving program first, and then start the image sending program. Press Ctrl-C in each terminal window to stop the programs. It is normal to get a cascade of error messages when stopping these programs with Ctrl-C. These simple test program have no try / except error trapping, since their only purpose is this simple test demonstration.

Test 2: Sending stream of OpenCV camera images from RPi(s) to Mac

The second test runs the sending program on a Raspberry Pi, capturing images from the PiCamera at up to 32 frames a second and sending them via imageZMQ to the Mac. The receiving program on the Mac displays a continuous video stream of the images captured by the Raspberry Pi Picamera module. This test is run on the Mac (or other display computer). Open 2 terminal windows. One terminal window will be used to run the image receiving program to display images on the Mac. In the first terminalwindow, activate your virtual environment, change to the tests directory and run the receiving program which will display the images:

source ~/.venvs/py311cv4/bin/activate # use your virtual environment name
cd imagezmq/tests

Then, in a second terminal window on the Mac, ssh into the Raspberry Pi that will be sending images. Activate your Python virtual environment, change to the tests directory and edit the program to specify the tcp address of your display computer. There are 2 lines in the program that show different ways of specifying the tcp address: by hostname or by tcp numeric address. Pick one method, change the tcp address to that of your display computer and comment out the method you are not using. Finally, run the program, which will capture and send images:

source ~/.venvs/py311cv4/bin/activate # use your virtual environment name
cd imagezmq/tests

In about 5 seconds, a cv2.imshow() window will appear on the Mac and display the video stream being sent by the Raspberry Pi. You can repeat this step in additional terminal windows, to ssh into additional Raspberry Pi computers and start additional video streams. The receiving program can receive and display images from multiple Raspberry Pis, with each Raspberry Pi's image stream showing in a separate window. For this to work, each Raspberry Pi must have a unique hostname because the images are sorted into different cv2.imshow() windows based on the hostname. The cv2.imshow() windows for multiple Raspberry Pi streams will be stacked on top of each other until you drag them and arrange them on your desktop. The example picture at the start of this documentation shows 8 simultaneous video streams for 8 Raspberry Pi computers with different hostnames. Each program must be stopped by pressing Ctrl-C in its terminal window. It is normal to get a cascade of error messages when stopping these programs with Ctrl-C. This simple test program has no try / except error trapping.

There is a webcam version of the test_send_images program. Instead of using the Picamera module on a Raspberry Pi, it uses a webcam (or USB cam) to capture images. The program uses the OpenCV VideoStream module to capture a stream of images from a webcam or USB camera. It has been tested with a Mac webcamera, a Linux webcamera and a USB camera plugged into one of the USB ports on a Raspberry Pi computer. If you don't have a Picamera module, this programs shows a way to use cv2.VideoStream() to capture a stream of images. To run the webcam sending program:

source ~/.venvs/py311cv4/bin/activate # use your virtual environment name
cd imagezmq/tests

You may need to adjust the src parameter from the default of 0. See the OpenCV docs for more details.

Test 3: Sending stream of jpgs from RPi(s) to Mac

The third test runs a different pair of sending / receiving programs. The program on the Raspberry Pi captures images from the PiCamera at up to 32 frames a second and compresses them to jpeg form before sending them via imageZMQ to the Mac. The receiving program on the Mac converts the jpg compressed frames back to OpenCV images and displays them as a continuous video stream. This jpeg compression can greatly reduce the network load of sending many images from multiple sources.

The programs that send and receive the images using jpg compression are run in the same way as the above pair of programs that send uncompressed images. Use the instructions above as a guide. The programs for Test 3 are:       # run on the Mac to receive & decompress images   # run on each Raspberry Pi to compress & send images

As with the previous Test 2 program pair, you will need to edit the "connect_to" address in the sending program to the tcp address of your Mac (or other display computer). You will also need to remember to start the receive program on the Mac before you start the sending program on the Raspberry Pi. As before, each program must be stopped by pressing Ctrl-C in its terminal window. It is normal to get a cascade of error messages when stopping these programs with Ctrl-C. This simple test program has no try / except error trapping. Be sure to activate your virtual environment as you did for Test 2 (see above) before running these tests.

Test 4: Using PUB/SUB to send simple generated images and display them on Mac

The fourth test is a repeat of Test 1, but uses the PUB/SUB messaging pattern instead of the REQ/REP messaging pattern. It shows the differences in running PUB/SUB versus REQ/REP in the simplest possible test program.

Test 4 runs both the sending program and the receiving program on the Mac. No Raspberry Pi or camera is involved. This test shows the start / stop flexibility of the PUB/SUB pattern. All 3 of the above REQ/REP tests require that the receiving program be started first, then the sending program. And they require that the sending program be restarted if the receiving program is restarted. This is standard behavior for the REQ/REP messaging pattern. But this test shows that either PUB/SUB program can be started first and that message sending will resume if either program is restarted. That is a feature of the PUB/SUB messaging pattern. See other documentation listed below for further differences, advantages and disadvantages of the REQ/REP versus PUB/SUB messaging patterns.

The sending program generates test images and sends them to the receiving program.

First, in one terminal window, activate your virtual environment, then change to the tests directory and run the receiving program, which will receive and display images:

workon py311cv4  # use your virtual environment name
cd imagezmq/tests

Then, in a second terminal window on the same display computer (Mac), change to the tests directory and run the sending program on a RPi, which will generate and send images:

workon py311cv4  # use your virtual environment name
cd imagezmq/tests

After a few seconds, a cv2.imshow() window should open and display a green square on a black background. There will be a yellow number in the green square that will increase (1, 2, ...) once per second. Now you can stop either program and restart it and see that the sending of numbers continues and picks up where it left off (though some transmitted images may have been skipped during restart). It is normal to get a cascade of error messages when starting and stopping the program with Ctrl-C. These simple test program have no try / except error trapping, since their only purpose is this simple demonstration.

Timing tests: Complete imageZMQ usage examples

The test programs above are short and simple. They test that the software and dependencies are installed correctly and that images transfer successfully between a Raspberry Pi computer and a display computer such as a Mac. The tests directory contains 2 more send / receive program pairs that provide a more complete example of imageZMQ usage. Each of these programs includes try / except blocks that enable ending the programs by typing Ctrl-C without starting a cascade of error messages. They also perform frames per second (FPS) timing tests that measure the speeds of image transfer using the compressed versus the non-compressed transfer methods. They also show how to capture the hub response in the sending program, which wasn't needed in the simple tests.

A pair of programs transmits and receives OpenCV images and measures FPS:  # run on Mac to display images     # run on Raspberry Pi to send images

As with the other test program pairs, you will need to edit the "connect_to" address in the sending program to the tcp address of your Mac (or other display computer). You will also need to remember to start the receive program on the Mac before you start the sending program on the Raspberry Pi. With these programs, the try / except blocks will end the programs cleanly with no errors when you press Ctrl-C. Be sure to activate your virtual environment before running these tests.

Older Picamera & imutils tests in the old_tests folder

Prior to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye, the original Picamera Python module was used. The original imageZMQ test programs used the original PiCamera Python module by using an imutils Python module. However, both Picamera and imutils are no longer working with the Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye or Bookworm or later versions. The Picamera2 module is now the standard way to access the Raspberry Pi camera module. All the imageZMQ test programs have been converted to the Picamera2 module. However, if you are using an older Raspberry Pi OS (Buster or older), the orignal Picamera / imutils test programs are in the old_tests folder.

As of July 2024, these older imageZMQ test programs are still working fine on several RPis we have running the older RPi OS versions. The older programs are not being updated, since Picamera2 has become standard. But if you want to continue to use imageZMQ with the original Picamera module, you can run the test programs in the old_tests folder. The documentation for running those test programs is here.