Web server for full-custom images conversion on-the-fly. Fast cache, low resources consumption.
Imconfly uses CLI applications like Imagemagick with full-custom set of parameters for images conversion. This is extremely flexible approach, you can create any transformation you need, using any CLI tool or bunch of CLI tools.
On the other hand, Imconfly is designed for fast serving once transformed images with low resources consumption. These images can be served by Nginx or any fast-and-light static web server.
You have an image, https://nodejs.org/static/images/logos/nodejs-1280x1024.png for example. You want to transfom it to 100x100 pixels on red canvas and use on your site permanently.
After configuring and run Imconfly server, your transformed image will be immediately available by URL like this:
Corresponding configuration:
"containers": {
"nodejs": {
"root": "https://nodejs.org/static/images",
"transforms": {
"100x100-red": "convert \"{source}\" -resize 100x100 -background red -gravity center -extent 100x100 \"{destination}\""
- this example uses
command from Imagemagick toolkit root
settings can be local directory path like/var/www/my_imgs
For example, configuration file is /home/mike/imcf-example/imconfile.json
, in this case:
- Original image will be stored in
- Transformed image will be stored in
This is result of:
- storageRoot setting by default - path to imconfile + "imconfly_storage" +nodejs
- container name +100x100-red
- transformation name +logos/nodejs-1280x1024.png
- relative path
Command that be called to create the small copy (100x100-red
convert "/home/mike/imcf-example/imconfly_storage/nodejs/origin/logos/nodejs-1280x1024.png" -resize 100x100 -background red -gravity center -extent 100x100 "/home/mike/imcf-example/imconfly_storage/nodejs/100x100-red/logos/nodejs-1280x1024.png"
This is an expencive operation, and it performs once, on first-time request. After this, the image will be served as a static file.
Installation with NPM as global module:
$ npm i -g imconfly
$ imconfly
command needs to configuration file in the current directory or in a some parent directory -
or imconfile.json
For example:
// imconfile.js
module.exports = {
containers: {
nodejs: {
root: "https://nodejs.org/static/images",
transforms: {
"100x100-red": "convert \"{source}\" -resize 100x100 -background red -gravity center -extent 100x100 \"{destination}\""
"containers": {
"nodejs": {
"root": "https://nodejs.org/static/images",
"transforms": {
"100x100-red": "convert \"{source}\" -resize 100x100 -background red -gravity center -extent 100x100 \"{destination}\""
You can copy this to correspond file, run imconfly
and check it by this URL:
Relative paths in configuration will be resolved from directory of imconfile.
If your imconfile is /home/mike/imcf-example/imconfile.json
, "./imcf_storage" will be resolved as
- path to directory with transformed images and origins. Defalut is./imconfly_storage
- port to listen by Imconfly application (HTTP protocol).9989
by default.urlChecker
- regexp to check URL format on each request to Imconfly app (/^[\w\./_-]+$/
by default)maxage
- amount of seconds forCache-Control: max-age=
http header. Default is2678400
(31 day).containers
- dictonary of containers names. Names must correspond tourlChecker
- http(s) URL with server name and path (http://example.com/my/path
) or local filesystem path (/my/path
- dictonary of transforms inname: command
format. Command must contains special placeholders -{source}
You can use Imconfly inside your apps. For example:
const imconfly = require('imconfly');
const imcfConf = imconfly.conf.Conf.fromFile('imconfile.json');
// or
// const imcfRawConf = require('./imconfile');
// const imcfConf = new imconly.conf.Conf(imcfRawConf, __dirname);
const app = new imconlfy.Imconfly(imcfConf);
Run tests:
$ npm test
Run only specified test suite (server
for example):
$ npm test test/server