Plain Pasta was a tiny Mac app that makes "Paste and Match Style" the default copy/paste behavior.
This was a really fun project to work on, but I will no longer be actively developing on the project. I'm leaving it here in case there is any code that could still be useful to others. Check out the release notes for a little more information if you'd like:
If you're looking for something like Plain Pasta that is still being developed, I'll direct you to the excellent Pure Paste by @sindresorhus. It does everything I had hoped for Plain Pasta to do someday, and then some.
I was in the process of working on a major update to the app. I've kept that work in a separate branch here for reference purposes: 2.0.0-beta
Plain Pasta sits in your menu bar, and watches your clipboard for text, removes any styling from the text, and puts plaintext back on your clipboard.
I made this app because I rarely want styling to be copied to my clipboard. When I copy text, all I want is the text.
Download the most recent version of Plain Pasta from the Mac App Store.

Copy/Pasting styled text takes both the text and the styling with it

Copy/Pasting styled text with Plain Pasta enabled only pastes the text itself, no styling
PRs are more than welcome!
To get up and running, you'll need to clone this repo, and then initialize the VerifyNoBS
submodule using:
git submodule update --init
Plain Pasta was inspired by another app called FormatMatch by Robert Wessels.
I've used FormatMatch for many years. I would've happily used it for many more years to come, but the app hasn't been updated for over 6 years, and Robert Wessel's website is no longer live. I've been concerned for the continued life of the app, so I finally decided to take the time to write a new version using modern technologies.
- Icon image is Noodles by Paolo Valzania from the Noun Project
- Clipboard monitoring code based on klipsustreamer by Toni Lähdekorpi