Tags: githubixx/ansible-role-etcd
13.2.0+3.5.16 (#37) * add support for Ubuntu 24.04 * update etcd to v3.5.16 * update .yamllint * update Molecule test * update CHANGELOG * update README
13.1.1+3.5.13 (#35) * update etcd to v3.5.13 * Molecule: change IP addresses * update Github workflow * update CHANGELOG
templates/etc/systemd/system/etcd.service.j2: etcd should start after… … networking is online (#34)
13.0.0+3.5.9 (#33) * rename githubixx.kubernetes-ca to githubixx.kubernetes_ca * Molecule: rename scenario from kvm to default * remove support for Ubuntu 18.04 (reached EOL) * rename molecule/kvm to molecule/default * README.md: update link / fix typo * update etcd to v3.5.9 * defaults/main.yml + README.md: better formatting * templates/etc/systemd/system/etcd.service.j2: better formatting * defaults/main.yml + README.md: remove trailing spaces * fix ansible-lint issues * update README * add support for Ubuntu 22.04 * molecule/default/molecule.yml: remove provider options / add memory + cpu parameter to VMs * molecule/default/verify.yml: fix typos * add molecule/default/host_vars * templates/etc/systemd/system/etcd.service.j2: add etcd_service_options * tasks/main.yml: add tasks to setup etcd user and group / setup various etcd directories * defaults/main.yml: introduce new variables: etcd_service_options, etcd_data_dir_group, etcd_data_dir_user, etcd_data_dir_mode, etcd_bin_dir_group, etcd_bin_dir_user, etcd_download_dir_group, etcd_download_dir_user, etcd_conf_dir_group, etcd_conf_dir_user, etcd_group_system, etcd_group_gid, etcd_group, etcd_user_home, etcd_user_system, etcd_user_shell, etcd_user_uid, etcd_user * update README * update CHANGELOG * README: update Ansible Galaxy kubernetes_ca role URL
v12.1.0+3.5.6 (#30) * update etcd to v3.5.6 * fix too many blank lines in molecule/kvm/group_vars/all.yml/molecule/kvm/verify.yml * add .yamllint * update CHANGELOG * better variables formatting (only cosmetic change)
12.0.0+3.5.4 (#27) * tasks/main.yml: fix Jinja2 spacing * introduced new variables: etcd_conf_dir_mode, etcd_download_dir_mode and etcd_bin_dir_mode * update CHANGELOG * meta/main.yml: min_ansible_version value should be string / platforms.versions values should be string * names should start with uppercase * defaults/main.yml: fix typo * update Documentation value in templates/etc/systemd/system/etcd.service.j2 * add Github release action to push new release to Ansible Galaxy
11.3.0+3.5.4 (#26) * make ansible-lint happy / use FQDN module names * fix typos in README * update CHANGELOG