As an easy reference, this branch contains the last source code for LCSK.
The new development efforts will all be toward Parle a full customer communication app that I will be building live at ([].
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// original README ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
LCSK is a simple, lightweight live chat / live support ASP.NET C# app. It uses SignalR for the communication channel between the website visitors and the agent(s). No database are required.
I just moved the project over to GitHub, it was previoulsy hosted on CodePlex.
If you have a website and want to offer live support to the visitors, you can do this easily with LCSK.
Install-Package LCSK
You will need an ASP.NET 4 web application to start. Since LCSK depend on SignalR, you'll need to add this from Nuget.
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR
You can copy the LCSK folder into your project. You might want to change the namespacing of the .cs file, when using NuGet this is done automatically.
If you already have a Startup.cs file, please copy the app.MapSignalR() to your existing Startup.cs file and delete the one supplied in LCSK/Startup.cs.
Please note that I've included the SignalR and jQuery javascript files into the LCSK/js for quick references. Feel free to remove those .js files and use the one that came with the SignalR package instead or use whatever file structure you like.
*** If you do not already have jQuery referenced
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
To login you'll first have to set an admin and agent password. Simply go to /lcsk/install.html to set both passwords.
Return to /lcsk/agent.html and login with the following credentials:
- username:* anything (i.e: Dominic)
- password:* either the admin or agent password.
You can have an unlimited number of agent, they'll all have the same password and uses different names.
There is a Demo project in the src folder. It's an ASP.NET MVC 4 web app. You can run LCSK in a web forms application as well.
You can watch a video on how to add LCSK to an existing project.
How to add LCSK to your project
I'm continuously improving this project. Contribution is very welcome. I've started the project in 2007.