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Commands List Info: Note: List is only for the "$" prefix :


Command and Aliases Description Usage
$help Shows a list of all availible commands $help, $help forum


Command and Aliases Description Usage
$epvpis, $epvp Search user on elitepvpers $epvpis daemon
$epvpverify, $verify Verifying a discord user via elitepvpers $epvpverify, $epvpverify daemon


Command and Aliases Description Usage
$status, $s, $uptime, $up Bot status $status
$ping Measure response time $ping
$about, $info Info about bot $about
$log, $archive Archives log of current chanel and uploads a log file. $log 10
$invite Generates an invite for current channel $invite
$whois Gives info about a target user $whois @daemon6666
$emoji, $e Zooms in on an emoji $emoji name
$emojis A list of all the emojis the bot has acces to. $emojis
$server, $serverinfo, $guild, $membercount Gives info about current server $server
$timer, $reminder Places a timer and sets a reminder $timer 13m war pe samp, $timer 2h
$commands Shows which command has been used the most on the server and how often its been used $commands
$roleUsers Gives all members a role $roleUsers Admins
$games Shows what games are being played currently and how often (on server) $games


Command and Aliases Usage Description
$kawaii Random kawaii picture $kawaii
$hello, $wave, $hi, $ohaiyo Nonsense gifs to say hello $hello
$:nep, $nepu, $topnep Can't stop the Nep $nep
$pat /r/headpats Pat Pat Pat :3 $pat @daemonvibes#6666
$anime, $anilist Search an anime and return basic info such as description $anime Mushishi
$manga Search a manga and return basic info such as description $manga Air Gear
$saucenao, $sauce, $iqdb Tries to find the source of an anime pic $saucenao


Command and Aliases Description Usage
$java, $javascript, $nodejs, $js Java isn't JAVASCRIPT! $java
$csharp, $c++, $c#, $objective-c ... it's probably c.. $csharp
$praise Praise the sun $praise
$css Counter Strike: Source $css
$countdown It's the final countdown $countdown
$pisica, $cat, $randomcat Random cat pics $pisica
$random, $rand Gives random number or user $random, $random coin, $random 6, $random 10 20, $random user
$stone Stone the mf $stone @awake#1234
$hype, $hypu, $train HYPE TRAIN CHOO CHOO $hype
$xkcd Shows the latest or a random xkcd comic $xkcd, $xkcd random
$reaction, $r, $addreaction Adds a reaction to last message $reaction ok_hand, $reaction sunglasses 247386709505867776
$pun, $duma, $joke Bad jokes - parazitii $pun


Command and Aliases Description Usage
$purge, $prune Purges messages MOD ONLY $purge 100
$kick Kicks a user with a specific reason. MOD ONLY $kick daemonvibes, $kick @awake not present at war
$ban Bans a user with a specific reason. MOD ONLY $ban daemonvibes, $ban @daemon reclama
$unban Unbans member with a reason. MOD ONLY $unban 102815825781596160
$bans List of bans. MOD ONLY $bans
$removereactions Removes all reactions on a message. MOD ONLY $removereactions 247386709505867776
$permissions Lists permisions of bot. ADMIN OR BOT OWNER ONLY $permissions
$hierarchy Shows a list of roles of current server. ADMIN OR BOT OWNER ONLY $hierarchy
$setrank, $setrole, $r Gives rank to user. MOD ONLY $setrole @daemon Member
$rmrank, $rmrole, $removerole, $removerank Removes rank from user. MOD ONLY


info for the discord bot






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