There appears to be an issue with this driver when used in FreeRTOS which stops the interrupts from firing again when a lora_send_packet* function is being used. At first I thought it was because it was blocking if not using DMA. I have switched to DMA but the same issue persists. I might be missing an issue perhaps with clearing out an RX interrupt before sending or setting a mode but the docs are not clear on steps.
Here is some brief code that receives lora packets and transmits acknowledgement packets:
/* FreeRTOS task that checks the state machine if the RX buffer is full */
void StartDefaultTask(void *argument)
// Receive buffer state machine
if (RXBufferStatus == 1){
HAL_USART_Transmit(&husart2, (uint8_t*)RXBuffer, 32U, 10U);
lora_send_packet_dma_start(&lora, (uint8_t *)"acknowledge-from-system", 23);
RXBufferStatus = 0; //clear: ready for interrupt to accept the next LoRa packet.
/* DMA callback that successfully works after transmission */
void HAL_SPI_TxCpltCallback(SPI_HandleTypeDef *hspi){
lora_mode_receive_continuous(&lora); //this makes no difference if included
/* Interrupt that successfully fires when DIO0 is high */
void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin){
if (GPIO_Pin == DIO0_EXTI5_Pin){
if (RXBufferStatus == 1)
return; //don't accept another packet until the first is taken and processed.
uint8_t len = lora_receive_packet(&lora, RXBuffer, sizeof(RXBuffer), NULL); //no storing error info yet
if (len > 0) {
RXBufferStatus = 1;
lora_clear_interrupt_rx_all(&lora); //should I do this? Removing or including is the same
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