This document describes the GraphQL API available in the Flowebb backend service.
- Go 1.21 or later
- Docker (required for running tests and local development)
- AWS credentials configured (for deployment)
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies:
go mod download
- Run tests:
docker-compose up -d # Start required services
go test ./...
The API is accessible through a single GraphQL endpoint. All data requests are made using GraphQL queries.
type Query {
# Get tide stations near a location or all stations
lat: Float, # Latitude (-90 to 90)
lon: Float, # Longitude (-180 to 180)
limit: Int # Maximum number of stations to return
): [Station!]!
# Get tide predictions for a station
stationId: ID!, # Station identifier
startDateTime: String!, # Start time (ISO8601 format)
endDateTime: String! # End time (ISO8601 format)
): TideData!
type Station {
id: ID! # Station identifier
name: String! # Station name
state: String # State/region where station is located
region: String # Region information
distance: Float! # Distance from requested coordinates in kilometers
latitude: Float! # Station latitude in decimal degrees
longitude: Float! # Station longitude in decimal degrees
source: String! # Data source (NOAA, UKHO, or CHS)
capabilities: [String!]! # Array of station capabilities
timeZoneOffset: Int! # Timezone offset in seconds
type TideData {
timestamp: Int! # Current timestamp
localTime: String! # Local time in ISO8601 format
waterLevel: Float! # Current water level in feet
predictedLevel: Float! # Predicted water level in feet
nearestStation: String! # ID of the nearest station
location: String # Location name
latitude: Float! # Location latitude
longitude: Float! # Location longitude
stationDistance: Float! # Distance to station in kilometers
tideType: String! # Current tide type: "RISING", "FALLING", "HIGH", or "LOW"
calculationMethod: String! # Method used for calculations
predictions: [TidePrediction!]! # Array of tide predictions
extremes: [TideExtreme!]! # Array of tide extremes
timeZoneOffsetSeconds: Int! # Station's timezone offset in seconds
type TidePrediction {
timestamp: Int! # Time in milliseconds
localTime: String! # Local time in ISO8601 format
height: Float! # Water height in feet
type TideExtreme {
type: String! # Tide type ("HIGH" or "LOW")
timestamp: Int! # Time in milliseconds
localTime: String! # Local time in ISO8601 format
height: Float! # Water height in feet
- Get nearby stations:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"query": "query GetStations($lat: Float!, $lon: Float!, $limit: Int) {
stations(lat: $lat, lon: $lon, limit: $limit) {
"variables": {
"lat": 37.8199,
"lon": -122.4783,
"limit": 5
}' \
- Get tide predictions for a station:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"query": "query GetTides($stationId: ID!, $start: String!, $end: String!) {
tides(stationId: $stationId, startDateTime: $start, endDateTime: $end) {
predictions {
extremes {
"variables": {
"stationId": "9414290",
"start": "2024-01-30T00:00:00Z",
"end": "2024-01-31T00:00:00Z"
}' \
: Main Lambda function entry point/graph
: GraphQL schema and resolvers/internal
: HTTP API handlers/cache
: Caching implementations (LRU, DynamoDB, S3)/models
: Data models and interfaces/station
: Station finder implementation/tide
: Tide prediction service
: Shared packages
The service is designed to run as an AWS Lambda function but can be run locally for development:
- Start required services:
docker-compose up -d
- Run the service locally:
go run cmd/graphql/main.go
The project includes unit tests and integration tests. Docker is required for running integration tests that use DynamoDB and S3.
- Start test dependencies:
docker-compose up -d
- Run tests:
go test ./...
- All timestamps are in Unix milliseconds format
- Local times are in ISO8601 format
- Distances are returned in kilometers
- Water heights are returned in feet
- Latitude must be between -90 and 90 degrees
- Longitude must be between -180 and 180 degrees
- Timezone offsets are in seconds
- The API supports multiple data sources: NOAA (US), UKHO (UK), and CHS (Canada)
- Responses are cached using a multi-layer caching strategy (LRU, DynamoDB)