This is a simple node js server that emulates the osu v1 api for gulag to enable compatibility with legacy services that still use it.
- Gulag db running on MySQL 8.0+
- Node.JS >= 14
> npm install
> cp ext/config_sample.js config.js
> nano config.js
# Using the included script:
> ./
# Using npm to start:
> npm start
# or run directly:
> node init.js
@/ - done
@/get_beatmaps - added proxy, use `k-overwrite` if you need two seprate api key for gulag and proxy destination.
@/get_user - done
@/get_scores - done
@/get_user_best - done
@/get_user_recent - done
@/get_match - will not be handled (?) , gulag does not save matches after they finish.
@/get_replay - use gulag's built in endpoint
if api-key are required in both gulag and your apiv1 proxy target, use k-overwrite
to pass k
to proxied server
-- | -- | -- | -- | mode |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | vanilla |
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Relax |
8 | AP |
- from Jakatebel with ♥