Here, you will find advanced techniques for the structure of a database system, as well as the mechanism and structure of SQL and other essential points to use the various features of SQL Server and its data query and manipulation structure.
SQL Lab Certificate - Impact Technology University - 2023
SSMS - SQL Server Management Studio Interface:
- Connecting to a server, main panels, configuring the editor environment.
Creating a database via SSMS:
- How data is organized, creating a database, creating a table, manipulating data (insertion, editing, and deletion).
Relational model and data normalization:
- Concept of normalization, normal forms, relational model, descriptive model, conceptual model, logical model physical model.
Introducing T-SQL:
- Origin of SQL, T-SQL, subsets of SQL commands, instruction example.
Creating a database via T-SQL:
- Creating a script project, creating a script, executing a script, putting a database in use, creating a database, deleting a database.
Constraints and table structure:
- Creating rules, changing table structures.
Creating indexes:
- Concept of indexes, advantages and disadvantages of indexes, clustered indexes, non-clustered indexes.
Attaching databases:
- How to attach the databases that is used in this repo.
Manipulating data:
- Inserting records, updating records, deleting records.
Working with transactions:
- Types of transactions, OUTPUT instruction.
Data query:
- The group of DQL commands, ordering data, the TOP clause.
Filters with operators:
- Relational operators, arithmetic operators, logical operators,compound operator, filter examples with WHERE.
Filters BETWEEN, LIKE, and IN:
- Search by range of values, search by a list, of values, search by part of content.
Joining data:
- Data union, UNION operator, UNION ALL operator.
The SQL code below is an example related to a car dealership database. It includes the creation of tables for brands and models, along with foreign key constraints for the relationship between them. Additionally, it uses stored procedures like sp_help to view the structure of the created tables.