Azure Function that acts as a bot which creates notifications in a Slack channel about StackOverflow activity based on the question tags.
- Create a new timer based Azure Function (for javascript). For instructions see the docs. I recommend a timer that will fire every 15 minutes, due to the api request limitations of Stack Overflow.
- Install the required node.js packages. Instructions can be found here. The package.json file is in this repository.
- Replace the default javascript code with the code in this repository. Then change the configuration to your liking*
The configuration is defined using environment variables:
slackbot_username: "StackOverflow Tag Tracker",
slackbot_icon_emoji: ':incoming_envelope:',
slackbot_token: '<token>',
slackbot_channel: '<channel>',
slackbot_workspace: '<workspace>',
so_api_key: '<api key>',
so_tracked_tags: 'azure;|powerbi',
The bot account name
The Slack bot emoji icon (can be blank)
The Slack token, Create a Slack App and get a token. see the docs
The name or the id of the channel that the message are posted to (for example: '#stackoverflow')
The name of the slack workspace
The StackOverflow api key, see the docs
The stack overflow tags to track. Tag sets are seperated with the '|' character, tags are seperated with the ';' character
'azure|javascript': get notified about activities of questions tagged with either azure or javascript
'azure;javascript': get notified about activities of questions tagged with azure and javascript
'azure|javascript;reactjs': get notified about activities of questions tagged with azure or javascript and reactjs