A simple bot engine dispatching workers. (mostly and deliberately without OOP)
npm install bot-worker-engine
Here is a simple counting echo bot as example. This might be inside the function which received a web hook call and normalized the input data from one messaging event
const {orchestrate} = require('bot-worker-engine')
const {send, userDate} = require('<platform-dependent-connector>')
const persistence = require('<persistence-layer')
// these are where your code goes
const helpers = require('./helpers') // any helper functions you might need
// example worker just
const workers = {
main: (dispatcher, store, bot, helpers) => {
const {text, session} = store.getState().input
bot.send.text(`Echo (${session.count}): ${text}`)
store.dispatch({type: 'INCREMENT_COUNT'})
const reducer = (action, state) => {
switch(action.type) {
const session = state.session
return Object.assign({}, state, {session})
return state
} // Redux reducer function
const sessionDefaults = {count: 1} // defaults for empty sessions
// this starts the whole process of the normalized input
orchestrate({input, sessionDefaults, workers, reducer, persistence, send, userData, helpers})