Access to safe and effective medication is crucial to protect the health of millions of people in the European Union

Medicine development

In addition, CHMP and its working parties contribute to the development of medicines and medicine regulation, by:

  • providing scientific advice to companies researching and developing new medicines;
  • preparing scientific guidelines and regulatory guidance to help pharmaceutical companies prepare marketing authorisation applications for human medicines;
  • cooperate with international partners on the harmonisation of regulatory requirements.

CHMP assessments

CHMP's assessments are based on a comprehensive scientific evaluation of data. They determine whether the medicine meets the necessary quality, safety and efficacy requirements and that it has a positive risk-benefit balance. An internal peer-review system safeguards the accuracy and validity of the opinions of the committee. CHMP replaced the former Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) in May 2004.

For full details, see the CHMP rules of procedure and work plan.

Publication of CHMP agendas, minutes and highlights

EMA's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) meets once a month. EMA publishes the agendas, minutes and highlights of the plenary meetings. EMA also publishes the agendas and minutes of the CHMP's preparatory and organisational matters (PROM) meeting, formerly known as CHMP's organisational matters (ORGAM) meeting. 

The PROM is a meeting to discuss CHMP organisational matters and other topics in preparation for the CHMP plenary meeting. Its name changed from ORGAM to PROM in February 2021. 

The Committee has been publishing meeting reports summarising the main outcomes of its meetings since it was established. 

CHMP publication times


Before start of Committee plenary.
EMA publishes CHMP agendas since its December 2013 meeting.


After Committee plenary where minutes are adopted.
EMA publishes CHMP agendas and minutes since its December 2013 meeting

Meeting highlights

Friday after Committee plenary.
The web-based format of CHMP meeting highlights replaced the PDF format of CHMP press releases and monthly report in September 2011.

PROM agendas

Week before Committee plenary.
As of June 2023, CHMP no longer publishes the PROM meeting agendas. You can find information on the agenda discussed in the PROM meeting minutes.

PROM minutes

After current month's Committee plenary.

Useful information



Upcoming CHMP meetings

The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) is the committee that is responsible for preparing the Agency's opinions on all questions concerning human medicines.


CHMP meeting highlights


CHMP and CHMP PROM agendas

CHMP and CHMP PROM minutes

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