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  • En curso (updated on 17/09/2024) - Bureau decision date: 11/07/2024
    Plenary session number
  • En curso (updated on 17/09/2024) - Bureau decision date: 11/07/2024
    Plenary session number

    Information Report ECO/651 and Own-initiative opinion ECO/652 are a continuation of the European Semester Group's (ESG) work to consult annually national economic and social councils, social partners and civil society organisations from EU Member States on reform and investment proposals made in the context of the European Semester and their implementation in the Member States. The Information Report aims to collect the views of social partners and civil society organisations in the Member States on the reform and investment proposals and their implementation, in particular those indicated in the 2024 Country-Specific Recommendations. The Own-initiative opinion aims to complement the Information Report and to include the EESC's policy recommendations based on the results of the stakeholder consultation. It allows the EESC to formulate general and specific considerations, and to present the associated EESC's conclusions and policy proposals.

  • Aprobados on 30/05/2024 - Bureau decision date: 13/02/2024
    Employers - GR I
    Plenary session number

    According to Article 175 of the TFEU the Commission shall submit a report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, every three years, on the progress towards achieving economic, social and territorial cohesion.

    The 9th report which covers the first period (2021-2023) of the programming period 2021-2027 will include a record of progress made towards achieving economic, social and territorial cohesion, including the socio-economic situation of regions as well as the integration of EU priorities. It will also include, where appropriate, an indication of future EU measures and policies necessary to strengthen cohesion, as well as to deliver EU priorities.

    Download — EESC opinion: Ninth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion
  • Aprobados on 25/04/2024 - Bureau decision date: 21/09/2023
    Plenary session number

    This opinion focuses on the reform and investment measures in the Member States, in particular those based on the Country-Specific Recommendations 2023, and their implementation, in order to assess the effectiveness of these measures and the possibilities for better targeting of proposals, improved implementation and the monitoring and involvement of organised civil society in the procedures. This opinion also looks at issues concerning the ongoing reform of the EU’s economic governance rules, the central objective of which is to strengthen public debt sustainability while promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in all Member States through reforms and investment. Moreover, the opinion continues the previous consultation exercises by examining the state of the implementation of the reforms and investments provided for in the national Recovery and Resilience Plans and which are financially supported by RRF funds.

    Download — EESC opinion: Reform and investment proposals and their implementation in the Member States – what is the opinion of organised civil society? (2023-2024 European Semester cycle)
  • En curso (updated on 17/09/2024) - Bureau decision date: 21/03/2024
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    Every year in February, the EESC adopts an opinion on the Annual Sustainable Growth Survey (ASGS), which the Commission usually presents at the end of November in the year before. To reinforce the Committee's impact throughout the entire annual European Semester cycle, an own-initiative opinion with additional considerations is regularly produced by October taking into account the overall European Semester process and RRF developments, and providing a timely input to the Commission's preparation of the next ASGS expected again for November 2024. The Communication on the ASGS 2024 outlines the economic and employment policy priorities for the EU for the following 12 months, focusing on short-term energy shock mitigation, medium-term sustainable growth and resilience in the EU, and alignment with the long-term EU objectives.

  • En curso (updated on 02/07/2024) - Bureau decision date: 21/03/2024
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number
  • Aprobados on 20/03/2024 - Bureau decision date: 11/07/2023
    Plenary session number

    At the request of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the EESC is drawing up this opinion to suggest recommendations on how to tackle inequalities, foster upwards social convergence and strengthen social security systems and ensure its long-term affordability, in an EU economic governance framework/European Semester defined around debt sustainability, productive investments and reforms. This opinion is also focusing on the implications of such a framework for the European Semester, and the further strengthening of the social pillar herein. Finally, the opinion also looks at ways of continuing to further develop fiscal instruments that have a stabilising role at the European level, based e.g. on the experience of SURE.

    Download — EESC opinion: Boosting long-term inclusive growth through reforms and investment
  • Aprobados on 14/02/2024 - Bureau decision date: 24/10/2023
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number

    Every year in February, the EESC adopts an opinion on Annual Sustainable Growth Survey, which the Commission usually presents at the end of November in the year before. This communication outlines the economic and employment policy priorities for the EU for the following 12 months, with a view to mitigating the negative impacts of the energy shocks in the short term and to foster sustainable growth and increase the EU’s resilience in the medium term. The structured approach, like in previous years, centres around the four dimensions of competitive sustainability and in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The ASGS also continues to guide Member States in the implementation of the national Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs). The EESC's opinion on the ASGS 2024 is due to be adopted at the plenary session of 24-25 February 2024.

    Download — EESC opinion: Annual Sustainable Growth Survey 2024
  • En curso (updated on 02/07/2024) - Bureau decision date: 18/01/2024
    Civil Society Organisations - GR III
    Plenary session number
  • En curso (updated on 19/09/2024) - Bureau decision date: 18/01/2024
    Workers - GR II
    Plenary session number

    Climate change is a matter of urgency and demands a green shift in our economies. To achieve the EU's climate targets, a profound modernisation of the capital stock is needed. This entails a massive expansion of public investments. The need for an EU-level investment fund to finance the green transition is also a matter of economic strength and sustainable competitiveness. One central element of closing the financing gap is an investment friendly reform of the EU fiscal rules. While the reform process is still ongoing and is supposed to be finished by the end of this legislature, it is already clear that the fiscal space for public investments at national level will not significantly increase with the reform.

    ECO/642 CR