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Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 22 Mar 2023
… . NAT/651-EESC-2014-01-01-05002-00-00-ac-tra Circular economy … NAT/651-EESC-2014-01-01-05002-00-00-ac-tra … Circular economy …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 03 May 2024
… faced with the new paradigm of a decentralised digital economy, is of the view that it should be ensured that this … a specific methodology for regulating and measuring a new economy with different standards, with the value of trust … for the 21st century (INT/686 - CESE 2788/2013) Sharing economy and Self-regulation (INT/779 - CESE 933/2016) The …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 18 Apr 2024
… Member States with regard to supporting national social economy ecosystems . It suggests that the Council approve it … updated database on the size and distribution of social economy entities ; points to the need to include study of the social economy in education and training programmes at all levels, …
Last updated date: 02 Jun 2017
… The functional economy focuses on the use of a product rather than its ownership. Specifically, with the functional economy model, a company sells the right to use a product of … driven) and thus in reducing waste. The functional economy … The functional economy …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… Commission's ambition to boost transition to a circular economy will be a first step to achieving a paradigm shift in … its opposition to the withdrawal of the previous Circular Economy Package published in 2014. There is room for … benefits and risks of the transition to a circular economy. The most vulnerable sectors and workers need to be …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… Key points: The EESC considers that the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) model is conceived to be … that the ECG is a model to be realised within the market economy, it is not opposed to the market economy. believes that the ECG will contribute to the …
Last updated date: 03 Oct 2017
… "The social economy is the future, and I am proud of the work that has … during the 9 th ILO Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) that was co-organised with the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Economy in Luxembourg. The 9 th ILO Academy, which took place …
Last updated date: 09 Nov 2023
… Background The social economy is an umbrella term covering a wide range of private … and environmental causes over profit. The nature of social economy organisations and the way the social economy is regulated vary widely across the EU Member States, …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… with local organisations. REX/302-EESC-2010-992 Social Economy in Africa … REX/302-EESC-2010-992 … Social Economy in Africa …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… establish the conditions under which the functional economy should be rolled out to people's benefit; stepping up … of production and consumption connected to the functional economy, such as product eco-design, the circular economy, the collaborative economy and the economy for the …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 22 Aug 2024
… The EESC: welcomes the Action Plan for the Social Economy, which has included many key points which it has … aid, which confirms the important function of the social economy when it comes to confronting solidarity in times of … that in many Member States the potential of the social economy remains untapped. The plan should therefore be …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 02 Aug 2017
… in the European Union of a thriving data-driven economy and thus a digital economy using information technologies. The EESC stresses … information technologies in all areas of society and the economy, culture and education will provide enormous …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… of higher recycling targets proposed by the Circular Economy Action Plan. The challenge is to transition these … decommissioning older ones. The transition to a circular economy has been hindered in the EU by a lack of the right … national waste management plans and the European Circular Economy Action Plan. The link to the European Fund for …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 01 Aug 2017
… of high growth, value-added SMEs at the heart of an EU Economy orientated towards sustainable growth. With … asset that migrant-owned businesses represent for the EU economy, both locally but also increasingly in international … The contribution of migrant entrepreneurs to economy … SOC/449-EESC-2012-01-01-638 … The contribution of …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… INT/29-EESC-1999-835 The Social Economy and the Single Market … INT/29-EESC-1999-835 … The Social Economy and the Single Market …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… • The opinion's approach to the Social Economy (SE) in Latin America (LA) is based on two … to the promotion and support of the SSE. • The informal economy is an immense issue in Latin America, as it is in certain parts of the EU (the black economy), in which work and economic activities take place in …
Last updated date: 02 Jun 2017
… "The key role of the social economy in responding to societal challenges is clear: in these times of economic crisis, the social economy sector has been extremely resilient, namely by … president at the opening of the conference on The Social Economy as a key player in providing effective answers to …
Last updated date: 02 Jun 2017
… political innovation and systemic change where the social economy and civil society should be at the heart of these … said Georges Dassis in his opening speech at the Social Economy Category meeting, organised by EESC on 29 June, which … MEPs and European Commission officials. The Social Economy Category is composed of thirty-six members, …
Last updated date: 02 Jun 2017
… Transition to a circular economy is a must if we are to protect our planet, but also … national and regional level. Companies see the circular economy as an opportunity. "Going green" is beneficial not … from its environmental and economic benefits, the circular economy also has social advantages, providing new jobs and …
Last updated date: 14 Dec 2017
… EESC members took part in the 2 nd Open Eyes Economy Summit in Krakow Technological developments, social … unrest are challenging global society and the modern economy. At the same time, social and economic values, which … in the past, have taken a back seat. The 2 nd Open Eyes Economy Summit in Krakow on 14 and 15 November urged …
Last updated date: 02 Jun 2017
… Therefore, changing the approach to the "silver economy" is an imperative, says the EESC. In its opinion “ … 125 million of citizen will be compulsory for European economy. Indeed, by 2060, there will be two older people for … population" (13/07/2016) Growing the European Silver Economy Bridging the digital divide in the EU   Some 25% of …
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Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 01 Feb 2021
… Commission report on the implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), and in particular the … engagement will play in the transition to a circular economy. The Committee is also supportive of the plans to … President elect von der Leyen. The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) is an established …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 28 Aug 2024
… tax systems do not hamper the development of the social economy, and welcomes the European Commission’s goal to … on relevant taxation frameworks applicable to social economy entities; notes that knowledge on the approaches … to deepen and improve the overall tax framework of social economy entities in the internal market; hopes that efforts …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 05 Sep 2024
… on Monitoring the Implementation of the Circular Economy (COM(2018) 29 final) as an important follow up to the Circular Economy Action Plan and as recommended in the EESC opinion on Circular Economy Package [1] . This Communication is a good starting …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… EESC: Welcomes the proposals set out in the CEAP (Circular Economy Action Plan) and considers that the measures aimed at … by COVID-19; Is of the view that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP) should be developed and … that the complementarity between climate change, circular economy policies, and corporate social responsibility should …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… and practical implementation ensuring that Circular Economy monitoring continues to move in the right direction; … as existing active networks notably the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform were not included in the design … for achieving such targets ; highlights that the Circular Economy is a practical way of generating prosperity and …
Last updated date: 23 Jul 2019
… Committee organised a panel discussion on "Sustainable Economy and Social Cohesion" . The EESC as the consultative … have been represented, has adopted an opinion on the "Economy for the Common Good", that has been presented at the … Committee organised a panel discussion on "Sustainable Economy and Social Cohesion" . The EESC as the consultative …
Last updated date: 01 Feb 2024
… released in December 2015 the new version of the circular economy package. Its aim is to help the European economy move from linear to circular, more resource-efficient … and the growth and job creation potential of the circular economy. It includes an Action Plan with a specific timeline …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 02 Jul 2024
…    ECO/645-EESC Climate change and its impact on the economy … ECO/645-EESC … Climate change and its impact on the economy …
Last updated date: 12 Jun 2019
… good work, democratic participation and rule of law. The economy should be an enabler for achieving the Sustainable … an opinion that aims to define what "the sustainable economy we need" should look like by exploring new economic … and public institutions on a possible vision for an economy that works for all. The adoption of the UN …
Last updated date: 21 Mar 2022
… the model of economic governance created by the social economy. Its existence is based on historical foundations … today it is necessary to take further steps. The social economy must be promoted in the work of the CoFoE, for its … the model of economic governance created by the social economy. Its existence is based on historical foundations …
Last updated date: 16 Jun 2017
… Thematic debate on "Taxation of the Digital Economy", with Rita de la Feria , renowned tax expert (listed … in Brussels. Debate on the Taxation of the Digital Economy … Debate on the Taxation of the Digital Economy …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 07 Jul 2023
… measures financing the transition to a climate neutral economy in a simple and efficient manner. … Impact of the energy crisis on the European economy … TEN/800-EESC-2023-01-01 … Impact of the energy crisis on the European economy …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 31 Mar 2020
… Key points: The EESC: considers the digitalisation of the economy to be a great opportunity, and the EU Digital Agenda … believes that, in the context of the digitalisation of the economy, any changes to the rules for allocating taxation … ECO/458-EESC-2018-01-01-02781 Taxation in the digitalised economy (own-initiative opinion) … …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 02 Aug 2017
… CCMI/6-EESC-2004-01-01-528 SMEs, the social economy and industrial change … CCMI/6-EESC-2004-01-01-528 … SMEs, the social economy and industrial change …
Last updated date: 13 Dec 2021
… Green Economy report by Michael McLoughlin (Ireland, Diversity Europe) Green Economy … Green Economy …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 05 Sep 2024
… EESC has supported the Commission's policy on the circular economy from the outset, but feels that it should be pursued … on A European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy (COM(2018) 28 final) and the proposal for a Directive … NAT/721-EESC-2018-00536 Strategy on plastics in a circular economy (communication) … NAT/721-EESC-2018-00536 … Strategy …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 31 Mar 2020
… Taxation of profits of multinationals in the digital economy … ECO/459-EESC-2018-01-01-01556-00-00-ac-tra-en … Taxation of profits of multinationals in the digital economy …
Last updated date: 18 Jun 2024
… Agreement, by means of a just transition to a low-carbon economy. This Side Event will present practical options to … with other UNFCCC parties. Just transition to a low-carbon economy … Just transition to a low-carbon economy …
Last updated date: 24 Jul 2019
… opinion on the topic of "Taxation of the sharing economy – analysing of possible tax policies faced with the growth of the sharing economy". This opinion is exploring how the new models of business, work, and consumption in the sharing economy can be taxed appropriately. Within its wider work on …
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  • Taxation of the sharing economy - analyse of possible tax policies faced with the growth of the sharing economy
Last updated date: 18 Jun 2024
… and the EESC to exchange and interact, and make circular economy happen faster to the benefit of all. The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform … The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 19 Jun 2024
… be promoted. TEN/630-EESC-2017 Building a European Data Economy (Communication) … TEN/630-EESC-2017 … Building a European Data Economy (Communication) …
Last updated date: 20 Dec 2022
… The Social Economy Category is composed of members drawn from the Civil … aims to promote and defend the interests of the social economy to the widest possible audience. It seeks to gain … of the European integration process. Moreover, the Social Economy Category has repeatedly demonstrated its usefulness …
Last updated date: 16 Jun 2023
… EESC is analysing how the energy crisis impacted European economy, especially the purchasing power of households and … it difficult to measure its final overall impact on the economy. High inflation was the most visible phenomenon of … measures financing the transition to a climate neutral economy in a simple and efficient manner.   Additional …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… Key points The blue economy plays a considerable role and has ever-increasing potential in the EU and global economy, job creation and people's welfare. The EESC believes … are a prerequisite for a flourishing sustainable blue economy. Besides environmental challenges, those active in …
Last updated date: 22 Nov 2022
… for the euro area for 2023. The way forward for the EU economy … The way forward for the EU economy …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… in charge: Carlotta I. Iapichino Key points: The social economy is a key player and helps to achieve the objectives … the Council underlines the importance of "the social economy to job creation and sustainable development", which … for boosting the external dimension of the social economy (point 43 of the Post-2015 Agenda), but regrets that …
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 17 Sep 2024
… the foundations for a sustainable and inclusive wellbeing economy that works for everyone. The vision of social … to a decent life and the protection of social values. The economy is an enabler for this vision. The wellbeing economy should protect ecosystems, conserve biodiversity and …
Last updated date: 01 Mar 2021
… by the Portuguese presidency on   The role of social economy in the creation of jobs and in the implementation of … of Social Rights. 2021 will be a crucial year for social economy with the adoption of the very first EU Action Plan on social economy. All European institutions are committed to …
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  • The role of social economy in a fair and sustainable recovery: input for the future Action Plan on social economy
Opinion and Information report
Last updated date: 27 Feb 2024
… (...) The EESC believes that developing an inclusive green economy will be Europe's main challenge in the coming years … conference, the EU pledged its commitment to the green economy as a form of sustainable development. Now is the time … (...) The EESC believes that developing an inclusive green economy will be Europe's main challenge in the coming years …