
  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) calls on the EU to champion an innovative, sustainable, and circular bioeconomy model that aligns with the European Green Deal and climate goals. In its recent opinion, Aligning the circular economy and the bioeconomy at the EU and national level, adopted at the October plenary, the EESC outlines how a strong bioeconomy strategy can amplify Europe’s economic and ecological benefits, strengthen resilience, and support a fair transition for all. 

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has adopted an opinion that aims to safeguard citizens' fundamental rights in the midst of the implementation of AI technology in public services.

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) fully supports the objectives of the European Green Deal. However, it urgently calls for attention to be paid to the negative aspects of the deal, which have affected employment and EU competitiveness.

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has laid out a bold vision for transforming the EU's agriculture, fisheries, and food systems to better withstand crises while ensuring sustainability. The opinion "Fostering sustainable and resilient food systems in times of crisis," requested by the Hungarian presidency, was adopted at the October plenary.

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) supports efforts to develop a more human-centred and future-proof industrial ecosystem. At the same time, it calls for an in-depth debate on Industry 5.0 and its social and economic implications.

  • Recycling and the recovery of strategic raw materials from waste should be stepped up, says the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). This would reduce the waste going to landfill, but would also help the EU to lessen its dependence on third countries for raw materials.

  • In two new opinions adopted at its October plenary session, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) calls for key reforms to strengthen the competitiveness of the EU economy, based on sustainable growth and a balanced fiscal approach to supporting green and digital investments. The EESC underlines the key role of NextGenerationEU, the EU’s COVID-19 recovery instrument, and calls for similar instruments to be included in the new long-term EU budget.

  • EHSV ve svém stanovisku přijatém na říjnovém plenárním zasedání zdůrazňuje, že místní komunity, zejména ty, jež žijí v blízkosti jaderných zařízení, i celostátní organizace občanské společnosti by měly mít možnost se k této problematice vyjádřit a získat v tomto směru potřebnou podporu. Břímě, jež představuje zpracování jaderného odpadu, by nemělo být přenecháno budoucím generacím a všude tam, kde je to možné, by se měly využívat techniky recyklace.

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is urging the European Union to boost its investment in secure connectivity, resilient infrastructure, and supply chains to ensure it stays competitive in the rapidly evolving field of general-purpose AI (GPAI). These measures are seen as essential in maximising the benefits of generative AI in line with European values, needs, and fundamental rights.

  • Geothermal energy is an important source of energy, which has not yet been properly developed. While its full range of benefits remains unassessed, it is clear that it provides a reliable source of energy that can contribute to Europe’s strategic autonomy and security.