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Remote Assisted Compass Adjustment (RACA)

• Perform a compass adjustment anytime and anywhere
• Save time, fuel and money
• Involve captains and crew more in the ship’s processes

Compass adjustment on the go!

Compasses are still the primary means of navigation on most international ships. A compass needs to be regularly adjusted to ensure its accuracy. Datema Nautical Safety advises (according tot ISO 25862) an adjustment every two years, after dry docking or after significant structural work.

Advantages of using RACA

Adjusting the compass using an onboard adjuster is a time and fuel costing affair. Using RACA has these advantages:

  • Perform a compass adjustment anytime and anywhere
  • Save time, fuel and money
  • Involve captains and crew more in the ship’s processes

RACA step by step

A compass adjustment can be performed in four steps:

  1. Contact Datema Nautical Safety;
  2. Receive remote assistance in performing the adjustment;
  3. Implement the new deviation tables or adjust the compass;
  4. Continue the voyage.

If the deviation is less than 3 degrees limit, we submit a new deviation table. If the deviation exceeds 3 degrees limit, we provide the crew with remote assistance to adjust the compass. If all points of the compass show a bearing within the limit again, a new deviation table (a valid document) is submitted by us by email to the vessel.

Contact our compass adjusters for your RACA

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