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introducing DLog


Say goodbye to traditional paper logbooks and welcome DLog. With DLog, you can effortlessly manage and access multiple logbooks in one centralized, intuitive platform.

What is DLog

DLog is a modern solution for managing log books on board. It replaces traditional paper logbooks with a digital system called ERB (Electronic Logbook). DLog ensures accurate and complete data, offering a reliable alternative to paper logs. You no longer need to purchase and store physical log books because DLog keeps them all in one place.

Using DLog is straightforward and user-friendly. It provides quick and easy access to multiple logbooks within a single interface. The system closely mimics the familiar layout of paper logbooks, allowing users to adapt quickly. Activation of the logbooks on board doesn't require internet access. The log data is stored directly on the vessel, eliminating the need for an internet connection.

DLog can be customized to suit the specific requirements and infrastructure of each vessel. It can operate on a single computer, where both DLog and the collected data are stored together. Alternatively, DLog can be utilized on multiple computers, with the collected data stored on a server for convenient access from different points.

The benefits of DLog

  • Accurate, Complete, and Trustworthy

  • Intuitive and Familiar Interface

  • Offline Access and Data Storage

Accurate, Complete, and Trustworthy

DLog ensures the accuracy and completeness of your logbook data, providing a robust and trustworthy alternative to traditional paper logbooks. No more worries about missing or incomplete entries. DLog stores all your logbooks in one place, eliminating the need to purchase and store physical logbooks.

Intuitive and Familiar Interface

DLog offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that closely replicates the look and feel of traditional paper logbooks. This familiar design enables users to quickly adapt to the digital system, allowing for seamless transition and immediate productivity. You can get up and running with DLog in no time.

Offline Access and Data Storage

Activate and access your logbooks on board without the need for an internet connection. DLog stores all log data locally on the vessel, ensuring data availability and functionality even in remote areas or during connectivity challenges. Your logbook data remains securely stored and easily accessible whenever you need it.

Don't miss out on the convenience and efficiency offered by DLog. Experience the future of logbook management today.

Digital Department

Choose OneLog as your comprehensive digital logbook solution. Contact our dedicated digital department now to receive more information or order your OneLog system. Simplify your logbook management and enhance operational efficiency with OneLog.

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'It's been two months since we started using the DLog Garbage Record Book and it has exceeded our expectations!'

Remko de Leeuw - Captain at Chemgas