Art In Action | National Civil Rights Museum

From the vault:

Art in Action

Less than 1% of the National Civil Rights Museum's artifacts are on display in the exhibits. The collections storage is full of art and objects never seen before by the public.

In creating this exhibit, the museum combed the vault and picked the first pieces for their artistic value. But soon a theme developed: resistance and action through demonstrations and collective marching.

The Civil Rights Movement faced its greatest challenges and overcame the most difficult obstacles by peaceful protest. It is the strength of the people to gather in numbers and make their voice heard through marches, voting, and nonviolent action.

Featured artists in this exhibit transform past and present struggles against hate and bigotry into emotional graphic statements. Walter Andrade's take on the Museum's classic logo keeps pushing against modern racism. The women of "Rainbow Coalition" hold signs bright with color but with messages that can only be filled in by the viewer.

This gallery of paintings may be quiet, but it is not silent. It is Art in Action.

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