If you have a radio teleswitch or dynamically teleswitched energy meter

This advice applies to Wales. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Scotland

You might have been told by your electricity supplier you need to have your radio teleswitch (RTS) or dynamically teleswitched (DTS) electricity meter replaced. This is because the radio frequency it uses to switch between peak and off-peak rates is being switched off.

The radio frequency is expected to be switched off on 30 June 2025. Ofgem, the energy regulator, currently expects all RTS and DTS meters to be replaced by this date.

Check if you need to replace your meter

You’ll probably know if you have a radio teleswitch (RTS) or dynamically teleswitched (DTS) meter. You might have one if:

  • you live in the East Midlands or Scotland

  • your house is heated using electricity

  • you have electric storage and water heaters

  • you get cheaper energy at different times of day, for example if you have a peak and off-peak rate for electricity

Your teleswitch might be in the same box as your meter or in a separate box. If it's in a separate box it will usually be black.

Check the box, it might have ‘radio teleswitch’ or ‘radio telemeter’ printed on it.

Example An RTS meter on the left  with a radio teleswitch on the right in a black box mounted on a wall. The black box is rectangular with the shorter sides at the top and bottom. It has some grey cables coming out of the bottom of it, some of them go to the RTS meter on the left. The front of the box has a glass window at the bottom. Behind the window there is a silver panel that has radio teleswitch printed on it and some numbers and text that aren’t clear in the image.

The RTS meter to the left of the radio teleswitch box has a row of 6 numbers displayed on the front near the top. The numbers  tell you how much electricity has been used - for example, this meter shows 71462.3. Below the numbers are the letters kWh.

This is an example of an RTS electricity meter with a radio teleswitch in a black box to the right of the meter.

Example An RTS meter and a teleswitch in the same grey box that is mounted on a wall. The box is rectangular with the shorter sides at the top and bottom. The front of the box has a small LCD digital display near the top. The numbers on this LCD display aren’t visible. Below the display on the right hand side are 2 round buttons. One button is blue and the button below it is orange.

This is an example of an RTS electricity meter that has a radio teleswitch in the same box. If you have one of these it might have ‘radio telemeter’ printed on it.


If you’re not sure if you have an RTS or DTS meter

Contact your supplier to check if your meter needs replacing.

Your heating and hot water could stop working if you don’t have your RTS or DTS meter replaced before the radio frequency is turned off.

Getting your meter replaced

If you’ve been contacted by your electricity supplier they should have told you how and when your meter is being replaced. 

Radio teleswitch (RTS) and dynamically teleswitched (DTS) meters are being replaced with smart meters. Smart meters work in the same way as your meter does now, so you should still get an automatic peak and off-peak rate and it should turn hot water systems on and off.  

If your new smart meter can’t work in exactly the same way as your RTS or DTS meter, your supplier should explain what will change. For example, if your peak and off-peak times are slightly different.

If you haven't been contacted by your electricity supplier and you’d like a smart meter - contact them and ask for one. Check how to get a smart meter installed.

If you can’t get a smart meter

You might not be able to get a standard smart meter installed if you live in an area with poor phone signal. Most smart meters use a Wide Area Network (WAN) to connect your energy meter to your supplier - this relies on a signal which works in a similar way to phone signal.

If you can’t get a WAN connection, your supplier will contact you. You might need to have a special type of smart meter that doesn’t connect to the WAN. It will be pre-set with the times for switching between peak and off-peak rates.

If you haven't heard from your supplier and you don’t think a smart meter will work in your home, contact them to check.

If you have a shared meter

If you think you have a shared RTS or DTS meter, contact the person or company you pay for your energy - this could be a landlord or management company.

Other heating options

You could look at other heating systems for your home such as:

  • connecting your home to the gas grid and installing central heating - this might not be possible if you live in certain areas

  • installing a heat pump - this is a low carbon way of heating that uses less electricity, but it can be expensive to install

You might be able to get help with the cost of a new storage heater or heat pump, or getting connected to the gas grid and getting central heating.

Check if you can get help making energy efficiency changes to your home.

Get help from the consumer helpline

Contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline if you need more help - a trained adviser can give you advice over the phone, online chat or by email.

The consumer helpline will be able to help if you:

  • can’t have a smart meter installed

  • are being charged for a smart meter

  • have problems with your smart meter after installation

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Page last reviewed on 21 September 2023