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A mother says her 7-year-old daughter's character was raped in the kid's game 'Roblox'

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Amber Petersen found a disturbing sight on her daughter's "Roblox" game. Amber Petersen/Facebook
  • A 7-year-old girl's character was raped in the popular children's game "Roblox," and her mom's post about it went viral.
  • She warned that the game's moderation tools aren't enough, and parents should supervise children when they're gaming online.
  • The incident also reveals that the communities for games like "Roblox" can have a toxic underbelly.

Amber Petersen was reading a book to her 7-year-old daughter last week, who was playing "Roblox" on her iPad at the same time. It's a multiplayer kids' game where players build characters and worlds, not unlike "Minecraft," and has more than 64 million active monthly players.

At one point, Petersen's daughter showed her the iPad so she could see what was happening onscreen.

Her online avatar was "being VIOLENTLY GANG-RAPED ON A PLAYGROUND by two males," Petersen wrote in a Facebook post on June 28, which went viral.

According to screenshots and Petersen's description, two male avatars simulated rape with her daughter's avatar, and were later joined by a third female avatar. After attacking her daughter's avatar, the other players ran away in the game.


Petersen said Roblox, which is recommended for children ages 7 and up, has moderators and privacy settings to shield out inappropriate content. But they apparently didn't catch this incident.

"Words cannot describe the shock, disgust, and guilt that I am feeling right now, but I'm trying to put those feelings aside so I can get this warning out to others as soon as possible," Petersen wrote. "Although I was immediately able to shield my daughter from seeing the entire interaction, I am shuddering to think of what kind of damage this image could have on her psyche, as well as any other child that could potentially be exposed to this."

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This is what a "Roblox" game is supposed to look like. Roblox

She warned parents to supervise their children's gaming closely, or just forego them altogether.

"I urge you to take another look at the security settings on all of your devices and closely supervise your child if you allow them to continue playing games with online platforms such as Roblox," she wrote. "Better yet, perhaps you can join me in taking the rest of this summer to challenge your child to PUT AWAY THEIR SCREENS ... AND READ!!! Books cannot be hacked, but sadly, I've learned the hard way that a child's innocence can be just at the touch of a button."


A Roblox Corporation spokesperson told INSIDER that it found the people involved in the incident and permanently banned them from the platform. It also said that it's adding more moderation stringencies after the event.

“We were outraged to learn that Roblox's community policies and Rules of Conduct were subverted," a representative told INSIDER. "We have identified how this bad actor created the offending action and are putting additional safeguards in place to reduce the possibility of this happening again in the future. The offender was identified and has been permanently banned from the platform and we have suspended the game. We have zero tolerance for this behavior."

The representative also said the company personally reached out to Petersen to help improve its online safety protocols.

"In addition, we have spoken with the mother who posted on Facebook about her daughter’s experience and are grateful for her willingness to work with us to educate parents about online safety in the digital world," the representative said. "Our work in ensuring the highest level of safety on Roblox remains our top priority."


But Petersen's daughter's experience likely wasn't an isolated one.

A cursory search through YouTube shows that the site is rife with gaming streamers who use their "Roblox" characters to "rape" others in the game. They have titles like "The time I was raped in Roblox," "I was raped in Roblox," "Roblox Raping Girl Enjoy," and "How to play Roblox raping game."

It's not clear if these videos took place in older versions of Roblox, or whether they happened on the game's online interactive platform or on its private environment.

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This is also what a typical "Roblox" game is supposed to look like. Roblox

"Roblox" has a gaming community that's filled with trolls. It's a theme you'll see repeated in the game's official online forum and its Reddit forum.

One player summed it up in the comments to Petersen's viral post.


"Roblox has one of the most toxic gaming communities out there, trolling and harassment like this is very common and because of players' ability to create their own stuff, it's very rare to play it without something really out there happening eventually," he wrote. "To 100% ensure nothing like this ever happens again though, the only thing reliable to do is forbid [your child] from playing anything ONLINE, Roblox when you're by yourself is harmless."

This post has been updated.

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