Boeing completes first COVID-19 transport mission

April 18, 2020 in Community

As the world fights the spread of the coronavirus, Boeing continues to assist in any way it can on the ground and in the air.

Using a Boeing-owned 737-700, the company completed its first COVID-19 response mission Saturday by bringing 540,000 medical-grade face masks to front-line health care and first responders in New Hampshire.

The mission was a partnership between Boeing and Dean Kamen, the founder of FIRST, an educational organization devoted to science and technology that is also a Boeing partner.

Kamen helped secure the masks from manufacturers in China through DEKA Research and Development Corporation, another company he founded.

“Another lifesaving delivery of PPE has arrived in New Hampshire,” said Gov. Chris Sununu. “Thanks to Dean Kamen for facilitating this deal, and to Boeing for donating the cost of this mission transport. The state will deliver these masks to the greatest areas of need across New Hampshire so those on the front line have the necessary resources to fight COVID-19.”

DEKA is the importer of record for the delivery and will provide the masks to the state of New Hampshire for distribution to front-line medical workers in the state.

“Boeing has been a longtime partner of FIRST Robotics, and I’m proud that I can again partner with the Boeing team to meet the needs of our front-line health care professionals fighting COVID-19,” Kamen said. “Now more than ever, help from companies like Boeing is critical so we can continue to make sure protective equipment gets to the people who need it most.”

Boeing also offered its Dreamlifter and ecoDemonstrator for additional airlift transport missions.

“I want to personally thank Governor Sununu, the entire New Hampshire congressional delegation and Dean Kamen for their leadership in helping secure and distribute this much-needed personal protective equipment for our front-line health care workers and first responders here in New Hampshire,” said Dave Calhoun, Boeing president and CEO. “We are honored to have conducted today’s airlift mission, and we look forward to providing continued support in the fight against this pandemic.”