Hi All,
I was going through a article (Exon Junction Complexes Suppress Spurious Splice Sites to Safeguard Transcriptome Integrity) about detecting the spurious splice sites and i got confused about the something. It was mentioned
The remaining reads were aligned against the human genome (version 38, EnsEMBL 90 transcript annotations) using the STAR read aligner (2.5.3a)(Dobin et al., 2013)
Is there any EnsEMBL 90 transcriptome based annotation file?
Can someone help me to understand this?
Please correct me if i'm wrong. The first link you provided for the genome annotation (i could not find transcript based GTF/GFF). Second link also genome. Third is a fasta file. That i have already. What i'm asking is that is there any transcript based GTF/GFF.
You will find the transcripts encoded inside the GTF. There will be no transcript based GTF available.
Here is one example
Thanks for your answer. But please check the sentence that i pasted above. It was mentioned transcript annotation.
File above includes transcript annotations. It can be used an in input for
analysis during the index generation process.STAR manual (pages 6-7): https://github.com/alexdobin/STAR/blob/master/doc/STARmanual.pdf
oh. I got it. sorry for the silly question