I used Kallisto-Bustools for quantifying a snRNA-seq data, the output gives gene names, most tutorial seemed to have gene symbol.
First 10 lines of t2g.txt input file:
- ENST00000456328.2 ENSG00000223972.5 DDX11L1
- ENST00000450305.2 ENSG00000223972.5 DDX11L1
- ENST00000488147.1 ENSG00000227232.5 WASH7P
- ENST00000619216.1 ENSG00000278267.1 MIR6859-1
- ENST00000473358.1 ENSG00000243485.5 MIR1302-2HG
- ENST00000469289.1 ENSG00000243485.5 MIR1302-2HG
- ENST00000607096.1 ENSG00000284332.1 MIR1302-2
- ENST00000417324.1 ENSG00000237613.2 FAM138A
- ENST00000461467.1 ENSG00000237613.2 FAM138A
- ENST00000606857.1 ENSG00000268020.3 OR4G4P
First 10 line of genes.txt output file:
- ENSG00000001460.18
- ENSG00000001461.17
- ENSG00000010072.16
- ENSG00000008118.10
- ENSG00000009780.15
- ENSG00000048707.15
- ENSG00000034971.17
- ENSG00000059588.10
- ENSG00000041988.15
- ENSG00000049245.13
a. Would swapping the location of gene name and symbol give valid gene name(actually correct names) in the output? b. Any other possible solutions other than manually changing the names. Thanks for your time
I installed version 0.28.0, but index cannot be build properly(extremely small files, no errors). I downloaded prebuilt-index to run the program but it threw the following error:
kb count -i index.idx -g t2g.txt -c1 cdna_t2c.txt -c2 intron_t2c.txt -x 10xv3 -o output -t 4 --workflow nucleus /mnt/d/Raw/GSE219280/GSM6781917/SRR22512224/SRR22512224_1.fastq /mnt/d/Raw/GSE219280/GSM6781917/SRR22512224/SRR22512224_2.fastq
usage: kb [-h] [--list] <CMD> ... kb: error: --sum incompatible with lamanno/nucleus
I used awk to create a new file with the corresponding gene symbols, it's satisfactory. By default version 0.26.0 was installed, I had to create new conda environment for upgrading to 0.27.3. Provided good increase in speed.
Thank you very much, have a great day.
This is as I said -- there are many changes you need to make in order to use kb-python 0.28.0. For one, the --workflow nucleus no longer is supported. We describe the usage of 0.28.0 in a new preprint.
If you already have 0.27.3 working, just go with that.