Hi experts,
I want to map my assembled contigs to the reference genome and want to know where every mapped contig starts and ends on the reference genome. And after that, I want to plot it to see where on the genome have more contigs so that I can know the enrichment region.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you very much.
What do you mean assembled contains? Have you made a genome assembly and do you want to map your genome assembly to a reference genome? If so, you can run blast using your genome assembly as query.
Thank you very much for your reply. After I run Blast, is there a way to make a plot? like this: contig mapping to reference plot
I don't know why you want to make a plot as you said, but if you want to show a pairwise alignment between contigs and reference assembly, you can have a look mauve tool (http://darlinglab.org/mauve/user-guide/viewer.html)
I found this tutorial, which can help you.
I have updated this tutorial, and it now lives at a different link: https://taylorreiter.github.io/2019-05-11-Visualizing-NUCmer-Output/
If you would like to see the original, the source code now lives here: https://github.com/taylorreiter/taylorreiter.github.io/blob/master/_Rmd/viz-nucmer-output.Rmd