Navigation and service

Graphic with a CT scanner and two doctors, a mobile phone, electricity pylons, an aeroplane, the sun, mobile phone masts, a banana, a glass of water and Brazil nuts. Radon rises from the ground.

Radiation protection in everyday life

Radiation is everywhere and we encounter it constantly in our everyday lives. In the media library, the BfS provides information on types of radiation, risks and protection options.

Two people with question marks in thought bubbles in front of the main building of the BfS

What does the BfS do?

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection has a wide range of tasks, from measuring and researching to informing the public. More information can be found in this section of the media library.

A woman sits in front of a screen showing a nuclear power plant and a man with a video conference

Radiation protection in an emergency

Even after Germany has phased out nuclear power, we still need strong emergency protection. The BfS explains how this works in the media library.

A discussing in the foreground, in the background two people in the laboratory

Expert knowledge: Reports and data

The preparation of reports is one of the BfS's specialist tasks.

Site information and functions

© Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz