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BfS press office

Mobile phone radiation, UV protection, radon, medical radiation protection or the potential impact of a radiological emergency – the press office of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) is on hand to assist you with any queries relating to radiation protection.

We will be happy to answer your questions, arrange interviews, and provide you with suitable artwork.

Press contact

Contact persons at BfS press office Contact persons at BfS press officePetra Kaminsky, Anja Lutz, Nicole Meßmer, Julia Rudorf

You can contact us by calling +49 (0)30 18 333-11 30. The press office is generally staffed during normal office hours. If you find that we are unavailable at any point, please send an email to
The press office staff have offices at the headquarters in Salzgitter as well as in Berlin and Munich. In total, the BfS has eight locations. If you are looking for a local contact person, we will be happy to help you find them.

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Press releases

You can find the BfS's press releases at Journalists who wish to receive the BfS's press releases by email can sign up via

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Complex subjects in an accessible form – learn more about radiation protection in our videos and animations at Please contact us via if you would like to use these materials in your publication.

State of 2022.06.01

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