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Astrology malas are a combination of specific beads or rudrakshas to correct the energies working on you. They are extremely beneficial to weaken the malefic effects of the ill placed planets or any other planetary doshas. Rudraksha beads also work upon body chakras. There are also gemstone malas to strengthen the favorable planets. There are gemstones for each moon signs like Ruby stone for Sun, Pearl stone for Moon, Coral stone for Mars etc.

The astrological malas can be used either use as prayer beads or can be worn. The list of instructions that you will receive along with your order will help you benefit through it.

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Mala beads are a special rosary used for counting recitations of mantras. Typically, they come in a necklace form with either 108 or 54 beads. (Twice around a set of 54 beads equals a count of 108).

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Jade is renowned for its extraordinary capacity to transmit restorative and healing energies. A Mala made of Bermuda Jade can help you become more creative, encourage physical and mental renewal, increase affluence, longevity, and good fortune, and protect you from harmful or hostile energy.

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Crafted with intention and infused with positive energy, the Energized Aquamarine Mala is more than just a piece of jewellery—it's a tool for spiritual connection and personal transformation. Made from authentic aquamarine gemstones, each bead carries the soothing energy of the sea, promoting clarity, tranquillity, and communication.

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This Radiation Mala grants powerful protective energy which can safeguard you from the radiation of negative energy, malevolent intentions, different kinds of stresses, and bolster security and safety of the wearer.

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Wearing Crystal and Amethyst Mala can remove the emotional and mental blockages stopping you from progressing in life. The Crystal has cleansing properties, and the Amethyst can block and protect from negative energies. Combining the powers of these two beads, this Mala is a perfect blend of protection and spiritual awakening capabilities.

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The Shakti Mala invokes powerful Divine Feminine energy into your life. The Trishul pendant symbolizes the creation, destruction and preservation aspects, along with three gunas- rajasik, sattvik and tamasik. Together this Mala bestows the immense protective energy of the Primordial Divine Feminine to fulfill your desires, dissolve sins and karmic consequences, amplify wealth creation and progress in life.

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Tiger Eye is a protection stone. It enhances willpower, integrity, practicality and correct use of power. Tiger eye Mala helps you bring good luck, and helps attract prosperity and abundance.

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Mala beads are a special rosary used for counting recitations of mantras. Typically they come in a necklace form with either 108 or 54 beads. (Twice around a set of 54 beads equals a count of 108.) This special 9 Planet Mala contains the Gemstones for all of the nine planets. When you use mala beads of this type, you are propitiating all of the 9 planets to bring positive changes to your life.

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Agate mala helps in balancing your energy, gives you courage, protection, healing, and calming. Agate helps in maintaining a better physical and emotional balance and is also a powerful healer which aids the digestive system, the blood, skin, and intestinal tract. It also sharpens your sight, benefits your mind, and aids your eloquence. Agate strengthens the power of the sun in your astrological sign when you wear it.

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Carnelian Mala is a very powerful protection that gives courage, clears negative thoughts, dispel fear and bring you inner peace. This Mala also protects against envy, rage, and resentment - yours, or from others, and encourages a love of life.

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Obsidian Mala is a strong psychic protection and an excellent aid to help you to remove any negativity, unhealthy and unscrupulous thoughts from your mind. This very powerful Mala acts as a shield against psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension. It helps stimulate growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons.

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Order your African Blue Jade Mala energized in the Triple Protection Grand Ceremonies.

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Sardonyx is a highly protective stone that embodies a vibration of happiness, optimism and confidence. Sardonyx is a give you a feel of protection and strength. It helps you make your conduct virtuous and helps to strengthen integrity. You will be able to attract more friends. Sardonyx is also known to bring in good luck and remove obstacles and it has a great medical healing power.

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Being beautiful, or lacking beauty, is not your mistake, but an impact of your own karma! You are born in this earth plane, with a specific skin tone, facial features, and proclivity for weight. Now, your question may be, "Is beauty then unattainable, but for a few chosen magazine models and actors"

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These malas were energized in a Full Moon Fire Lab to invoke the Archetypal Feminine. The rose quartz is considered the "love stone". It promotes love, compassion and forgiveness and is often associated with Archetypal Being Saraswati (associated with intelligence, higher learning, and artistic/musical talents). It also has a calming influence and helps clear negative, stored emotions such as anger, resentment, jealousy, and fear. You may wear it or use it to count recitations of sounds.

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These malas were energized in a Saturn Fire Lab. Hematite enhances mental activity, balances Yin-Yang energies (male/female) and emotions as well helps those dealing with difficult energies from Saturn. It also dissolves negativity. You can wear this mala or use it to count recitations of quantum sound frequencies.

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Elevate your connection to Shreem Brzee's energy with the exquisite Shreem Brzee Mala with Coral beads featuring a captivating five-metal Lakshmi pendant. Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, can enhance your alignment with Shreem Brzee's wealth consciousness, facilitating the attraction of abundance in every facet of your life. The versatile Mala is an accessory and a dedicated rosary for Mantra recitations. Discontinued - 5 left

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Elevate your connection to Shreem Brzee's energy with the exquisite Shreem Brzee Mala with Coral beads featuring a captivating five-metal Lakshmi pendant. Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, can enhance your alignment with Shreem Brzee's wealth consciousness, facilitating the attraction of abundance in every facet of your life. The versatile Mala is an accessory and a dedicated rosary for Mantra recitations. Discontinued - 5 left

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Mala beads are a special rosary used for counting recitations of mantras. Typically, they come in a necklace form with either 108 or 54 beads. (Twice around a set of 54 beads equals a count of 108).

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The energized Spiritual Mala invokes the blessings of the Goddess to bestow Divine blessings, destroy ignorance and lack of attention, and grant good understanding and self-actualization.

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This Rainbow Mala is a representation of the link between the earth plane and the spiritual world and bestows peace, friendship and confers balance, harmony, and hope. Wearing this Mala can sharpen creativity, bolster compassion, strengthen endurance and confidence.

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Shreem Brzee Premium Wealth Mala with Lakshmi Pendant is meticulously designed using Crystal, Rose Quartz, Ametrine, Citrine, Garnet, and Jade gemstones. With a Lakshmi Pendant, this sacred Mala holds transformative properties that can help overcome financial crises, resolve negative money Karma, and invite prosperity, abundance, and material comforts into your life.

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Turquoise is a known as a master healing stone. Turquoise is a purification stone. It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences. This is a protector mala and protects you from the negative energies. It is believed that turquoise brings prosperity, good fortune, strength and helps overcome illness.

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Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding, and aids the process of learning. It is excellent for enhancing memory.

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