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Arts and Sports Astrology

Are you looking out to shine in the arts and sports field? Want to find out if you are destined for the same? Vedic Astrology can help in finding out if your ambitions of becoming an artist or sport person will come true. Arts and sports is rather a challenging sector to choose as a profession. You may shine as a famed star or you may totally go unnoticed. Any mishap such as sudden injury, unexpected loss, suicidal habits such as drugs, smoking, alcohol etc. could happen to anyone. To know what’s in your store, Astrology gives fine details about your chances of victory from the planetary positions in your birth chart.

Arts and Sports

Vedic Astrology
in Arts and Sports

In order to know your future in the Arts and Sports sector, our expert Vedic Astrologers provide timely predictions and guidance to plan your journey well ahead and shine as a star. Planetary transitions affect your behavior, career and thinking right from your birth. Any planet that remains in and moves out of your horoscope can cause both benefic and malefic effects, based on their current placement in your natal chart.

To stand out in the field of Arts, two important planets are generally studied for their position and influence on one’s life, namely Mercury and Venus. These two celestial bodies grant one with talent in fine arts such as music, dance and acting. To understand your destiny and the ability to shine as a sports star is determined by the planet Mars in your horoscope, which provides the ability to excel in physical sports.

Planetary Placements to excel in Arts and Sports

If all the three planets — Mercury, Venus and Mars are combined in some way with the 5th house, it instills the interest and willingness to involve in Arts and Sports fields, and become a winner. In such circumstances, when one cannot move forward in those areas, remedial measures can help lift blockages and propel you forward towards your art or sports goals.

In particular, our astrologers will examine the placement of Mercury and Venus (talent-givers for the arts) as well as Mars (physical prowess for sports) and their influences on the following houses:

Third House

Energies impacting this house govern your interest levels and behavioral patterns as well as your willingness to have courage to reach for your goals.

Fifth House

This House is responsible for your creative gifts, your ability to manifest projects and your drive to bring your aspirations into action.

In addition, our astrologers will suggest appropriate remedies to help you experience the positive gifts in your chart to the fullest for your current artistic ventures or sporting activities.

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