How to Access SF 135 Attachments in the ARCIS Customer Portal
- In the customer portal, navigate to Records Transfers.
- Use either CREATE or PROFILE SPECIFIC view. Use CREATE only if you are the user who created the records transfer in ARCIS.
- Click on "FRC Workspace" (top right).
- Query for the transfer number in question.
- Click on the transfer number to access the detail screen.
- Scroll to the bottom of the detail page. There you will find an "Attachments" area. This is the repository for scanned SFs-135 and box listings (if attached) for this particular transfer.
- Click on the hyperlink for the attachment you wish to view.
- Follow the pop-up instructions.
Note: All attachments are read-only.
If the SF 135 cannot be located in ARCIS by your agency, follow these additional instructions:
- Contact the FRC in which the records are stored, or
- Contact the account manager, or
- Email the ARCIS Help Desk at